呂鈺秀Lu, Yu-Hsiu官曉蔓Kuan, Hsiao-Man2022-06-082021-10-212022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0ba0aab15045132f6b0143af53897ecd/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117090本研究以「第三屆全省客家民謠比賽」作為課題,研究資料為1967年史惟亮與許常惠進行民歌採集運動之採錄成果,目前留存下來的全省客家民謠比賽錄音,存於《波昂東亞研究院臺灣音樂館藏》以及《許常惠教授民歌採集運動時期歷史錄音還原第二期計畫期末報告》兩批檔案中。這批錄音意義非凡,不但能夠忠實的還原當年的比賽,展現1960年代人們演唱客家歌謠以及比賽的盛況,更能具體幫助史學家了解1967年苗栗客家人的生活景況。本論文分為三部分撰寫,第一部分探討「第三屆全省客家民謠比賽」的歷史源流,並透過文獻的蒐集與比對,建構起1960年代苗栗客家山歌的發展狀況。第二部分為梳理民歌採集與全省客家民謠比賽之間的關係,並還原這場賽事的樣貌,以及刻劃比賽中的五種角色,主持人、評審、伴奏、參賽者以及觀眾。第三部分研究客家民謠決賽中的歌謠,以9位獲獎者演唱之曲調進行採譜分析,於歌詞結構與內容、虛字、襯字,以及節奏、音程、旋律等方面進行觀察,呈現客家民謠與社會背景之間的關係和客家音樂發展之脈絡。第三屆全省客家民謠比賽距今54年,是臺灣第一筆留下有聲資料的山歌比賽,本論文透過此錄音,追溯客家民謠比賽的源頭,並透過比賽的相關人物,型塑客家音樂活動的發展脈絡,呈現全省客家民謠比賽的社會背景與音樂變化,反映客家社會文化的轉變。The theme of this research is"The Third Provincial Hakka Folk Song Competition". The research data are the results of The Folk Song Collection Movement by Shih Wei-Liang and Hsu Tsang-Houei in 1967. The recordings of The Provincial Hakka Folk Song Competition are stored in two archives, namely, “Ostasien-Institut e.V. Bonn Collection of Taiwan Music” and “The Final Report of The Second Phase of The Historical Recording of Hsu Tsang-Houei’s Folk Song Collection Movement”. These recordings are of great significance. They notonly accurately restored the course of competition, in which showed the grand occasion of people of the 1960s singing Hakka songs, but also helped historians better understand the life of Hakka people of Miaoli in 1967.This thesis is divided into three parts. The first focuses on the historical origin of"The Third Provincial Hakka Folk Song Competition", and constructs the development of Miaoli Hakka folk song in the 1960s through literature collection and comparison. The second part outlines the relationship between folk song collection and Hakka folk song competition; it unveils the course of the competition, and identifies the five roles that are involved: the moearater, the adjudicators, the accompanists, the competitors and the audience. The third part consists of an in-depth study of thesongs in the Hakka folk song finals. It involves an analysis of the tunes sung by the nine winners and observations of the lyrical structure and content; vocable; rhythm; intervallic relationship and melodic progression. It identifies how the Hakka folk songs are interlinked with the social background, which provides for the context of the development of Hakka music.The Third Provincial Hakka Folk Song Competition has been arganitzed held 54 years and it is the first folk song competition in Taiwan to have left audio recordings. Through studying these recordings, this research traces back to the source of Hakka folk song competitions, and through analyzing the relevant roles in the competition, constructs the development of Hakka musical activities; presents the social background and musical changes of The Provincial Hakka Folk Song Competition, and reflects the cultural transformation of the Hakka society.客家民謠比賽客家音樂民歌採集中廣苗栗電臺客家民謠研進會《苗友(中原)》月刊The Provincial Hakka Folk Song CompetitionHakka musicThe Folk Song Collection MovementMiaoli radio station of China Broadcasting CorporationMiaoli Hakka folk songs Research Association“Miauyo (Chuangyuan)”Monthly第三屆全省客家民謠比賽研究A Study of the Third Provincial Hakka Folk Song Competition學術論文