紀俊臣Chi,Chun-chen Ph.D.魏聰海Wei,Tsung-hai2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096102106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85546基層治理係當前地方自治非常重要的課題,尤其里與社區發展協會係地方基層組織最重的基層單位,里也是地方行政組織最末端的編組,亦是臺灣施行地方自治最重要制度之一,而社區發展協會係近年來以人團法成立的社團組織。兩組織由於歷史不同,分屬不同機關管轄,組織功能長期以來存在的爭議。因此,本研究選擇臺北都會區的里與社區發展協會,如何調整與整合兩組織功能之關係,為本研究試圖探討的重點。 本研究目的,從文獻資料及深度訪談的方式,針對里與社區發展協會組織功能重疊,里長與社區發展協會理事長之間的互動爭議,以及組織整合關係之探討,發現里與社區發展協會組織功能高重疊性,並依據過去文獻及專家學者研究資料顯示,多偏重於兩組織制度之間分合之問題,亦即里與社區發展協會二者關係究維持二制或合一之爭論,至今仍未有定論。事實上,兩組織在現行制度上已被設定不同功能與權限。本研究亦從多數受訪者中研究發現里與社區發展協會互動關係不良,除權責機關不同涉及資源分配外,還有政治動機與選舉因素;里與社區發展協會發展方向不一致,因分屬不同機關主管,其代表性不同,兩組織功能在現行體制下,容易起爭端。 本研究依據前述各章節實際理論與實地訪談比對分析,以及研究發現後的結論,提供以下幾點建議作為研究或各該主管機關之參考如下: 一、宜精簡地方基層組織、增進處理公共事務。 二、精簡人力、活化經費資源。 三、宜強化里幹事的專業能力。 四、可積極籌進里與社區發展協會之組織整合功能。 五、在合併過程中,宜排除地方組織本位主義作崇。Grass-roots governance plays a vital role in the local self-governance of today. In particular, neighborhood and community development associations are the most important basic regional units within the network of local grass-roots governance. Neighborhood is a unit at the very base of regional administrative system, and also one of the most vital governance systems within Taiwan’s implementation of local governance. Community development associations are societies set up in recent years under the Civic Organizations Law. Due to differences in history and jurisdiction, functions attributed to the two organizations have long been in dispute. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the neighborhood and community development associations of metropolitan Taipei, and discover the means to adjust and integrate the relationship between these two organizations. Literature review and in-depth interviews were applied to delineate the organization function overlaps of neighborhood and community development associations, the interaction controversies between neighborhood chiefs and community development association chairmen, as well as to examine the integrated relationships of the two organizations. This study found that functions of neighborhood and community development associations are highly repetitive, and according to literature review, issues have always existed concerning differentiations and divisions between the administrative systems of the two. Contestations of whether neighborhood and community development associations should be combined or held separate have yet to be resolved, but in reality, the two organizations have been attributed with different functions and privileges within the current administrative system. According to the statements of the majority of interview subjects that there is poor interaction between neighborhood and community development associations, aside from reasons of resource allotment disputes due to different jurisdiction, political motives and elections are also involved. Neighborhood has a developmental direction distinct from that of community development associations, and by cause of different administrative authority and representativeness, the functions of the two organizations are often issues for dispute. Based on the results, comparative analysis of interviews, and conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions for references to future research or relevant administrative authorities: 1.Regional administrative units should be streamlined to promote efficiency of public affairs processing. 2.Administrative positions should be resized for the benefit of redistribution of funds and resources. 3.Neighborhood officers should strengthen their professional abilities. 4.Integrated functions of neighborhood and community development associations should be actively sought after. 5.In the process of organizational integration, parochialism of regional organizations should be avoided at all costs.村里社區發展協會基層治理地方制度法villages and neighborhoodcommunity development associationgrass-roots governanceLocal Government Act臺北市里與社區發展協會整合研究Taipei City Neighborhood and Community Development Association Integrated Studies