張千惠Chang, Chien-Huey莊慧娟Chuang, Hui-Chuan2023-12-082026-07-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0cfb2b9051793435c6be281d77d97f48/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119664本研欲了解視障長者在接受旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲課程後,在旅遊教育知識學習成績、學習動機、心流經驗以及遊戲接受度各方面之表現,並運用序列行為分析的方法,分析視障長者在旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲的學習行為表現,最後輔以質性訪談了解視障長者對旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲課程的困難與成就之處。本研究結果說明如下:1.本研究視障長者在旅遊教育知識學習成績表現方面,實驗組與控制組學習成績前、後測分數皆達顯著差異,顯示視覺障礙者的學習表現有顯著提升。實驗組與控制組之間在旅遊教育知識的學習成績後測未達顯著差異。此結果說明兩種不同教育方式,在學習效果上沒有差異。2.本研究視障長者在學習動機表現方面,實驗組學習動機表現前、後測達到顯著差異;而控制組之學習動機表現前、後測未達顯著差異。實驗組視障長者之學習動機能顯著提升說明旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲是本研究觸動學習行動的根本。而兩組在學習動機後測得分未達顯著差異,此結果說明本研究視障長者平時經常性地參與學習活動與各項體驗活動,使得兩組之間的學習動機在課程後並無顯著差異。3.本研究實驗組心流經驗量表表現方面,各維度表現結果皆高於Likert 5點量表的中位數3,且平均數皆在4以上,顯示本研究所使用的教育知識桌上遊戲能讓實驗組視障長者有較高程度的心流表現,意即視障長者相當投入在遊戲當中,融入課程與學習旅遊知識目標,而忽略對學習時間的感受。4.本研究實驗組遊戲接受度表現方面,各維度結皆高於Likert 5點量表的中位數3,且平均數皆在4以上,顯示視障長者對於遊戲式學習有顯著良好之接受度,視障長者可以透過此遊戲有效地學習旅遊相關之知識技能,且遊戲規則簡單且容易理解。5.本研究實驗組高和低學習成績者在學習動機、心流經驗和遊戲接受度方面,實驗組高和低成績分組學習成績結果表現有顯著差異,但在學習動機、心流經驗和遊戲接受度表現沒有顯著差異。此結果說明高學習成績視障長者除了能專注投入課程之外,對於學習內容更熟稔,因此有較優異的學習成績表現。而實驗組學習動機、心流經驗以及遊戲接受表現結果並沒有顯著差異,則說明學習成績高和低分組對於課程都有期待與動機並投入課程與接納遊戲。6.本研究實驗組高和低心流經驗者在學習成績、學習動機和遊戲接受度的差異方面,各維度之間表現結果並沒有顯著差異。說明視障長者無論學習成績高或低分的表現結果,並不會影響視障長者在學習動機、心流經驗和遊戲接受度。7.本研究實驗組在學習成績、學習動機、心流經驗及遊戲接受度之間相關分析方面,心流經驗表現與學習動機及遊戲接受度具顯著相關性。說明視障長者在本旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲心流經驗表現愈高,對學習動機與遊戲接受度產生相互作用且彼此影響。8.本研究實驗組在學習行為分析方面,視障長者有四項相同明顯地學習行為特徵,分別為視障長者能自主學習、視障長者能清楚知道學習目標而溝通互動、視障長者持續發展高層次認知歷程及桌上遊戲能帶給視障長者在遊戲過程中歡樂的情緒反應。9.本研究實驗組在遊戲式學習方面的困難方面是視障長者因視覺功能不利而有個別學習需求。視障長者在遊戲式需要較多時間認識遊戲配件,且須以動作指引遊戲配件方位、以直接觸摸等方式輔助視障長者學習。本研究實驗組在遊戲式學習方面的成就方面有三,一是成功引起視障長者去旅遊的意願與動機;二是視障長者認同點讀筆能幫助自己在遊戲當中學習旅遊地理知識;三是本遊戲確實能引起視障長者協作學習的動機,亦認同遊戲能相互交流視障長者間的想法,並提升自己的學習表現。目前有關視覺障礙長者使用旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲式學習相關文獻仍待擴展之下,本研究發現為這個研究缺口提供了一獻。The present study aims to investigate the performance of visually impaired older adults in terms of their learning outcomes in travel education knowledge, learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance after participating in a tabletop game-based course on travel education. Additionally, sequential behavioral analysis is employed to analyze the learning behavior of visually impaired older adults in the tabletop game for travel education knowledge. Lastly, qualitative interviews are conducted to understand the difficulties and achievements of visually impaired older adults in the tabletop game-based course on travel education knowledge. The results of this study are as follows:1.Regarding the performance of visually impaired older adults in terms of learning outcomes in travel education knowledge, both the experimental group and the control group showed significant differences in pre- and post-test scores, indicating a significant improvement in learning performance for visually impaired individuals. However, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the post-test scores of travel education knowledge. This result suggests that there is no difference in learning effectiveness between the two different educational approaches.2.In terms of learning motivation, there was a significant difference between the pre- and post-test scores of the experimental group, while no significant difference was found in the pre- and post-test scores of the control group. The significant improvement in learning motivation among visually impaired individuals in the experimental group indicates that the tabletop game for travel education knowledge used in this study was the fundamental factor that stimulated their learning behavior. The non-significant difference in post-test scores of learning motivation suggests that both groups of visually impaired individuals regularly engage in learning activities and various experiential activities, resulting in no significant difference in learning motivation between the two groups after the course.3.In terms of flow experience measured by the flow experience scale in the experimental group, the results for all dimensions were higher than the median of the 5-point Likert scale, with mean scores above 4. This indicates that the tabletop game for travel education knowledge used in this study enabled visually impaired individuals in the experimental group to experience a high level of flow, implying their deep immersion in the game, integration with the course, and learning of travel-related knowledge goals, while neglecting the sense of time spent on learning.4.Regarding game acceptance measured by the game acceptance scale in the experimental group, the results for all dimensions were higher than the median of the 5-point Likert scale, with mean scores above 4. This indicates that visually impaired individuals showed significantly positive acceptance toward game-based learning. They were able to effectively learn travel-related knowledge and skills through the game, which had simple and easily understandable rules.5.In terms of learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance, there were significant differences between visually impaired individuals in the experimental group with high and low learning outcomes. However, there were no significant differences in the performance of learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance between visually impaired individuals with high and low learning outcomes. This result suggests that visually impaired individuals with high learning outcomes not only concentrate on the course but also possess a greater familiarity with the learning content, resulting in superior learning performance. The lack of significant differences in learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance between the high and low learning outcome groups indicates that both groups have expectations and motivations for the course and engage in it with acceptance of the game.6.In terms of differences in learning outcomes, learning motivation, and game acceptance between visually impaired individuals with high and low flow experience, no significant differences were found among the dimensions. This indicates that the performance of visually impaired individuals with high or low learning outcomes does not affect their learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance.7.In terms of correlation analysis among learning outcomes, learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance in the experimental group, a significant correlation was found between flow experience and learning motivation as well as game acceptance. This indicates that visually impaired older adults who exhibited higher levels of flow experience in the tabletop game for travel education knowledge had a mutual interaction and influence between their learning motivation and game acceptance.8.In terms of learning behavior analysis in the experimental group, visually impaired older adults exhibited four distinct learning behavior characteristics. These included their ability to engage in autonomous learning, clear understanding of learning objectives and effective communication and interaction, continuous development of higher-level cognitive processes, and joyful emotional responses during the tabletop game.9.In terms of game-based learning difficulties, the experimental group in this study faced individual learning needs due to visual impairments that impeded their visual functionality. Visually impaired elderly individuals required more time to familiarize themselves with game components and relied on action cues, such as direct touch, to support their learning. The achievements of the experimental group in game-based learning can be summarized in three aspects: Firstly, it successfully stimulated the willingness and motivation of visually impaired elderly individuals to engage in travel. Secondly, visually impaired elderly individuals recognized that the audio pen could assist them in learning knowledge during the game. Thirdly, the game indeed motivated visually impaired elderly individualsto participate in collaborative learning. They also acknowledged that the game facilitated the exchange of ideas among visually impaired individuals, thereby enhancing their learning performance.Given the limited existing literature on visually impaired older adults' use of tabletop game-based learning for travel education knowledge, this study contributes to filling this research gap.視覺障礙長者旅遊教育知識遊戲式學習協作學習桌上遊戲學習動機心流經驗遊戲接受度序列行為分析visually impaired older adultstravel education knowledgegame-based learningsequential behavioral analysiscollaborative learningtabletop gamelearning motivationflow experiencegame acceptance視覺障礙長者旅遊教育知識桌上遊戲之學習成效與學習行為分析The Analysis of Learning Effectiveness and Learning Behaviors of a Travel Education Board Game for the Elderly with Visual Impairmentetd