王國欽Wang, Kuo-Ching林逸蓁Lin, Yi-Jen2019-09-032019-10-202019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0102590132%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94789有別於辦公桌、會議桌,以社員食堂、員工餐廳、交流休憩、與利害關係人互動的平台,或是展現企業文化與核心價值舞台,甚至更是為企業創造新的商業模式。不論表現的型態為何,只要是超越了食堂的傳統功能,本研究即定義為企業的「第三張桌子」。 設置「第三張桌子」的企業具有什麼共同的思維 ? 是什麼樣的原因,甘心樂意投資在這看似「可有可無」的設施上 ? 追求企業幸福的臺灣,又如何發展出專屬的「第三張桌子」幸福商業模式,將無形的幸福,轉為有形的價值 ? 本研究以圖文式呈現深入日本現場,匯集了軟銀 (SoftBank)、Pasona 人才顧問公司、隸屬於Toyota 集團的Terrance Tateshina 休憩所、Tanita 體脂肪計、樂敦製藥 (Rohto) 等 5 家指標性企業的邀訪,以及與第三張桌子的發展息息相關的 5 個組織單位,分別聚焦於人才吸引、餐桌文化、在地農業與資源整合等面向,從其提及的課題與挑戰。 針對企業的部分,以Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) 的商業模式 九大要素架構為基礎,採用半結構式訪談的方式,對資歷十年以上的受訪者,進行平均 2 小時的深度訪談。透過內容分析及信度檢核,依商業模式九大因素,找出其共同考量,發現日本社員食堂已不再只是用餐休憩的空間, 而是進化為: 1. 顧客價值導向:首重空間氛圍、健康環保、獨一無二的價值 ,以及連結本業; 2. 善用既有資源:結合無形資源,透過每日必須的第三張桌子之非正式概念,不僅能滲透經營理念、價值觀等企業思維。除了使空間效率運用,也將服務對象從內部員工,擴及到員工家人、顧客或社區居民,有助於品牌知名度與認同度的提升,也是人才選用育留的重要平台; 3. 兼顧利害關係人的幸福與企業價值的提升 : 結合 Martin Seligman(2012) 所提倡的幸福五要素 PERMA,並同時為「組織成員」、「企業本身」與「社會整體」創造長期的價值,讓不同立場的利害關係人 ( 員工與家族、合作夥伴與家族、既有及潛在顧客、當地居民、投資人 ) 皆感到幸福。透過價值的創新,發展出能結合本業與相關周邊產業的新型態商業模式,有助於企業的轉型,進而提升企業價值。 綜合 10 個組織單位的研究結果,勾勒出第三張桌子在臺灣的商業模式雛形,並透過此商業模式, 架構跨產業的幸福價值圈雛形。Speaking of the lunch table in employee cafeteria/restaurant, here comes the negative image , such as "cost-consuming as a company welfare or benefit", "zero return on investment","bored menu", "less service, quantity-oriented" , etc. It is known that the employee cafeteria/restaurant is tend to an extra option for the company, especially when the management consider the allocation of resources. However, there is an value innovation in Japan on employee cafeteria/restaurant, which makes their intangible assets (company's culture, core value, concept and vision)becomes their economic value via the lunch table in their cafeteria/restaurant. Beyond the basic function for eating and relaxing, the lunch table in Japanese company plays an informal but much more influential role in the recent years. The lunch table in the employee cafeteria/restaurant has become the third valuable table next to the office table and meeting room table . Therefore, it is defined as "the third table" of the company in this study. The purpose of the study is to find out the motivations that change the traditional pattern, and analyze the common factors that how they conduct and operate "the third table" by using the Business Model Canvas(Osterwalder and Pigneur,2010). In order to gain the in depth knowledge required for the thesis, the method used is known as case interview with 5 companies: SoftBank, Pasona Group, TANITA Scale, Terrance Tateshina of TOYOTA group, and Rohto Group. Besides, the interview also includes the other 5 organization related to "the third table", which can give the ones in Taiwan who are interested in "the third table" to take the issues the organization is facing into consideration as the side point of view.The whole contents of thesis are presents in both texts and photos. The study concluded that "the third table" model can not only accomplish the Scientific Theory of Happiness: PERMA Model by Martin Seligman(2011) , but also presents a innovative circle of value chain by the cooperation of cross-fields. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on business transformation and enhancing the value of the company.員工餐廳團膳價值鍊創新人力資源商業模式幸福企業Employee Cafeteria/RestaurantCatering ServiceValue Chain InnovationHuman ResourceBusiness ModelWell-Being第三張桌子的無限可能The Possibilities of the Third Table ~ A New Value Cycle Creating by Lunch Table ~