林振興LIN,ZHEN-XING林雅浿LIN,YA-PEI2019-08-282015-1-312019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060185003I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85332在華語學習的過程中漢字是外國學生學習漢語的最大難點,因為華語中的漢字是由形、音、義結合於一體,相較於表音文字確實複雜許多,因此漢字的難以掌握影響了很多外國學生在漢語水平上的提升。   對外華語教學法中,漢字教學法與詞彙教學法一般是分開探討的,但是漢字具有構詞性,有限的漢字中構成無限的詞,因此漢語中的字和詞有著密不可分的聯繫關係,講漢字必然涉及詞,講詞也必然會涉及漢字,字與詞的這種特殊關係決定了字與詞的教學不能完全的分開,可以採用系聯教學法將兩者聯繫起來進行教學。   因此,本研究將以國立台灣師範大學進修推廣學院華裔班的學習者為研究樣本,實際進行字詞系聯教學實驗,以探討字詞系聯教學模式對華語學習者之學習成效,並檢視學習者對於字詞系聯教學模式之反饋,以提供未來教師在華語教學上的實質建議。研究結果顯示,字詞系聯教學模式與一般華語教學模式相比,學習者確實有顯著的進步及成效。The greatest obstacle for the foreign students in learning Chinese is Chinese Character. Knowing their reasons and rules is the key to the improvement of Chinese Characters, that is, Chinese Characters are the combination of structure, sound and meaning, which is more sophisticated than phonogram. As a result, it is different for foreign student to master the concept of the study of Chinese in enhancing their Chinese language proficiency.   Traditionally, Chinese Character teaching and Vocabulary teaching have been investigated seperately in the study of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. However, Chinese Characters are the word-characters, they are closely interrelated. These two teaching methods will ever befound to be inseparable, we may adopt a complementary approch to the method of Chinese Character and Vocabulary contact teaching materials to help foreign students improving their study completely.   Appying the theory of Chinese Character and Vocabulary contact teaching materials in investigation of studied the effect of Chinese Character and Vocabulary contact teaching materials on the Chinese learner as well as effiecny and taking the students of School of Continuing Education in NTNU as the research group. The results of this study demonstrated the potential that chinese learners through Chinese Character and Vocabulary contact teaching materials would lead to greater progresses in learning Chinese.字詞系聯教學模式字本位字義理解字詞理解閱讀理解Chinese Character and Vocabulary contact teaching materialssinogram-basedcomprehension of the characterscomprehension of the wordsreading comprehension字詞系聯教學對華語學習之成效研究The Study of Chinese Teaching Effectiveness Based on Chinese Character and Vocabulary Contact Teaching Materials