李懿芳Lee, Yi-Fang謝宜真Hsieh, Yi-Chen2022-06-082022-01-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/50da65767b53c1fe88e42766ebc66a5a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117876本研究旨在探討應用因材網輔助自主學習課堂模式,對國小學生自主學習能力及自然科學習成效之影響,並分析電腦自我效能在此關係中的調節效果。本研究採準實驗研究法並輔以質性訪談,以了解學生在此教學方式下,在自主學習能力及學習成效之表現。研究對象為六年級兩班學生各22名,隨機分派一班為實驗組(因材網輔助自主學習課堂模式),另一班為控制組(自主學習課堂模式),以自然科南一版第七冊第三單元及第四單元為主,分別實施7週之實驗教學。本研究主要發現包括:一、因材網輔助自主學習有助於提升學生自主學習能力及自然科學習成效。二、因材網輔助自主學習對高電腦自我效能者在自主學習能力的提升上效果更明顯。三、高電腦自我效能者可能因使用電腦進行非學習活動的時間較長,間接影響其自然成就測驗表現。四、老師肯定因材網輔助自主學習的助益,學生則因其自主學習能力的差異而有不同感受。本研究依研究發現研擬具體建議供教育行政機關、學校行政及國小教師參考。The study aimed to explore the impact of using Adaptive Learning Platform as a teaching aid in the Self-regulation Learning (SRL) classroom model based on primary school students for self-learning ability and learning effectiveness in the subject of science and technology, and analyzed the moderating effect of computer self-efficacy (CSE) in this relationship. In order to understand the performance of students' self-learning ability and learning effectiveness under this teaching method, a quasi-experimental design method together with surveys and interviews was adopted. The subjects of the study were 22 students each of two sixth grade classes, randomly assigned as an experimental group (Adaptive Learning Platform assisting SRL) and a control group (SRL classroom model) , with the implementaiton of an experimental teaching for seven weeks respectively. The main findings of this study are as follows:(1) Adaptive Learning Platform assisting SRL can effectively improve students' self-learning ability and learning effectiveness. (2) Adaptive Learning Platform assisting SRL has a more obvious effect on self-learning ability of high CSE. (3) Learning effectiveness for students with high CSE may be indirectly affected due to the use of computers for longer non-learning activities. (4) The teacher affirms the help of Adaptive Learning Platform assisting SRL, and the students have different feelings due to their different self-learning abilities. It is hoped that findings as above can offer as practical suggestions for the educational administrative organizations and the school administrators and as references for the elementary school teachers.因材網輔助自主學習課堂模式學習成效電腦自我效能Adaptive Learning Platform assisting SRL classroom modelLearning effectivenessComputer self-efficacy因材網輔助自主學習課堂模式對國小學生自主學習能力及自然科學習成效之影響-以電腦自我效能為調節變項The Impact of Applying the Adaptive Learning Platform to Self-Regulated Learning Classroom Model on Primary School Students' Self-Regulated Learning Ability and Performance on Natural Science: Using Computer Self-Efficacy as a Moderator學術論文