謝建成SHIEH,Jiann-Cherng楊康苓YANG, Kang-Ling2019-08-282017-8-62019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001153108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89066在身處講求效率的電子化時代中,網站是現代人獲取資訊的最佳利器,而大學圖書館網站扮演的角色應是提供圖書館的延伸性服務,並成為圖書館與使用者之間重要的溝通橋樑。其中網站標籤設計呈現給使用者的是一種視覺上的線索,使用者能藉此與網頁內容進行有效的溝通,因此如何讓使用者與網站標籤之間的落差縮減,提升網站的尋獲度,應是網站設計者迫切思考的問題。 本研究可分為三個階段:第一階段為卡片分類實驗,請使用者針對67個卡片項目以團體討論的方式完成分類,主要目的為蒐集使用者對圖書館網站標籤的分類方式,接著藉由群集分析法描繪樹狀圖,產生一個標準的網站架構;第二階段為階層標籤建構實驗,請一般使用者、圖書館員與研究者三種不同身分者,分別針對第一階段產生的網站架構給予適合的階層標籤名稱,於是產生三種階層標籤不同的網站架構;第三階段為尋獲度測試實驗,記錄使用者完成5項任務所需要花費的時間、路徑以及合適度調查,試圖比較三個網站架構在內部尋獲度上的差異。 本研究結果顯示,不同身分者所建構的階層標籤,其方式與內容皆有許多的差異性,使用者的標籤特色為淺顯與直接;圖書館員的標籤特色則偏重於圖書館專業術語;研究者的標籤特色為可兼具專業性與適用性。經過尋獲度測試的結果顯示三種身分建構的階層標籤在統計分析上達顯著差異,又以研究者所建構的網站階層標籤較圖書館員或使用者為佳,除了較能獲得使用者的認同,也可提高網站的內部尋獲度。 本研究根據研究發現與結果提出三點建構網站階層標籤時之建議:一、考量使用者的使用習慣;二、考量網站標籤名稱的廣泛性與重疊性問題;三、定期檢討網站標籤名稱的合適性。In an efficient electronic era, website is the best tool to obtain the information. The role of the University library websites is as the extension service of library, and it becomes the important bridge between library and users. The design of website labels serves a visual cue, and brings the efficient conversation between the users and the website content. The website designers should seriously take the problem into consideration of how to lower the gap between the users and the website labels, and even increase the findability. This research can be divided into three stages. First is card sorting test, users need to classify the 67 card items through group discussion. The aim is to collect the users’ opinion about classification, and then get the website structure by means of cluster analysis. Second, three different backgrounds of users included general users, librarians and researchers have to name the node labels according to the website structure from first stage. Finally, we use the findability evaluation to record the cost of time, routes and suitability of testers when they accomplish their five missions, and try to compare the difference through the three website structures named from different background of users. The results of this research shows that the contents and ways of node labels built from different background of users are quite differently. The characteristic of users’ labels are simple and direct. The librarians’ labels tend to use more professional terms. The researchers’ labels for both professional and can meet the awareness of the users. The statistical analysis shows the website structures of different node labels are significant differences built from general users, librarians and researchers. The node ii labels built from researchers is better than librarians and general users, cause it is not only accord with the user’s requirements, but increase the findability of the website. Three suggestions were proposed when building the node labels:First, users’ habits should be considered. Second, the name of labels should be considered the universality and overlap. Third, the name of labels should be reviewed regularly.資訊架構階層標籤卡片分類法尋獲度Information ArchitectureNode LabelsCard SortingFindability階層標籤建構者對大學圖書館網站尋獲度影響之研究The Impact Study of Findability for Node Labels Providers on the University Library Websites