徐昊杲施秀青How-Gao HsuHsiu-Ching Shih2019-08-122019-08-122014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83944本研究旨在探討國民中小學能源教育永續發展,為達成教學目標,透過專家會議進行文獻確認與修正,作為國民中小學能源教育永續發展教材及教具的基礎。另外,透過非制式教育推動模式,辦理能源實作體驗營,強化訊息交流與知識分享,並利用問卷調查法檢視課程實施之成效,歸納結果:(1)完成「能源」為主題,課程單元教材4冊;節能減碳推廣手冊共計3本。(2)發展再生能源可操作式數位化教具,並完成知識性與體驗式節能減碳實作課程。(3)能源實作體驗課程可以提升國中小學生的能源認知,且學生對於體驗式的課程有較高的興趣。This study aims to explore energy education for sustainable development in the Elementary and Junior high Schools. In order to achieve the teaching goals, meetings of experts were summoned to verify and revise related literature as groundwork for the development of teaching materials and tools. Furthermore, through informal education operation mode, hands-on camps were held to facilitate information exchange and knowledge sharing. The study conducted a questionnaire to explore the effects of the course. The results revealed the following: (1) Complete four volumes of teaching materials with energy themes, three promotion pamphlets in energy conservation and carbon reduction (2) Create maneuverable teaching tools to simulate renewable energy operation, and hands-on courses for energy conservation and carbon reduction (3) Energy hands-on course helps Elementary and Junior high school students raise their energy awareness and students have higher interests in hands-on courses.節能減碳能源教育能源實作課程energy conservationcarbon reductionenergy educationhands-on experience course國民中小學能源教育之推動經驗與成果Energy Education Promotion for Elementary and Junior High Schools