王宗吉Wang, Chun-Chi柯仲彥Ke, Chung-Yen2019-09-052004-6-32019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000077%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106032本研究旨在瞭解目前台南市公立國民小學與民間機構在運動場館設施、開放使用現況,與未來在參與學校運動場館經營管理時,所會考量到的因素有哪些,並進行比較瞭解其差異,以做為日後學校在運動場館的興建、規劃設計及經營管理上的參考。 本研究採用訪談問卷調查法,針對台南市44所國民小學之體育組長與17家民間機構之經營管理人員,進行便利抽樣,各抽取學校九所及民間機構四家進行深度訪談,並以自編之「台南市公立國民小學與民間機構參與學校運動場館經營管理之考量因素訪談問卷」為研究工具,進行資料蒐集。根據訪談調查所得的資料,以描述統計的方法進行資料分析。在本研究範圍內得到以下結果: 一、台南市國民小學的運動場館設施設置情形,在軟體方面,管理人員、組織架構及收費辦法圴明顯不足;在硬體方面,以田徑場、室外籃球場及的設置最為普遍,另外則以室外游泳池的設置最為缺乏。民間機構在軟體方面則較為健全;在硬體方面,則以室內游泳池、盥洗室、三溫暖、韻律教室的設置率最高,其次為桌球室、按摩池、重量訓練室,而室外的場地較不普遍。 二、台南市國民小學的運動設施的開放時間,以不影響學校正常作息的原則下進行開放,對外免費開放的場地以室外籃球場、田徑場及網球場為主。有收費的場地以室內體育館為主,大部份以團體租借的方式。民間機構的運動設施是全天開放使用,不論室內或室外的設備圴有收費,收費方式以會員制收費和部份收費為主。 三、台南市國民小學未將人力資源運用策略列入考量因素;民間機構則在資源開發與應用、安全管理策略、體育活動推廣策略等未列在經營管理運動場館的考量因素中。 四、學校與民間機構對於未來經營學校運動場館的模式建議以OT或BOT的方式經營。This paper compares the stadium/gymnasium(hereinafter:grounds)facilities and open status in the public primary schools in Tainan City(hereinafter:public sectors) and the private sectors and analyzes what the considerations will be when both parties involove in the school grounds management in the future. The result can be used as reference to grounds establishment, design, and management. Interview and Questionnaire Survey is applies. Convenience Sampling is used to select 9 chiefs of Gym Departments from 44 public sectors and 4 managers from 17 private sectors. The deep interviews are proceeded toward these interviewees. Data collects from the research tool which is the self-designed questionnaire:The Stadium/Gymnasium Management Considerations of Public Primary Schools and Private Sectors in Tainan City. The data is analyzed by Descriptive Statistics. The results are as below. 1.The ground facilities: The public sectors--The software is obviously weak, such as keepers, organized construction and jpayment methods. The hardware, such as track and field, and open-air basketball court, isa generally set up. However, the set-up of open-air swimming pool is lacked. The private sectors--The software is much more flawless. The hardware, indoor swimming pool, shower room , sauna and aerobics room is in high set-up rate. The followings are billiard room, spa and weight lifting room.The set-up of open-air grounds are not common. 2.The open status of the ground facilities: The public sectors--The opening time will be after school and the main grounds free open to the public are open-air basketball court, track and field, and tennis court. Indoor gymnasium is charged for group rental. The private sectors--The facilities is 24-hour open to the public. Both indoor and open-air facilities are charged. The payment methods by membership and part usage. 3.The Considerations when managing the grounds: The public sectors don't take human resource application strategy into account; whereas the private sectors donpt take resource application and development adn security strategy, and gym activities extension into account. 4.OT or BOT mode is suggested to manage school grounds by public and private sectors in the future.經營管理民間機構運動場館設施ManagementPrivate sectorsStadium/Gymnasium facility台南市公民國民小學運動場館經營管理考量因素之研究(以民間機構為參考團體)The Stadium/Gymnasium Management Considerations of Public Primary Schools in Tainan City