楊錦心陳綺華2019-09-032016-2-212019-09-032005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069271003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96324本研究旨在探討「問題導向學習」教學策略應用於國中生活科技課程之製造科技領域。研究目的為:(一)針對國中生活科技「製造科技」領域課程,運用PBL教學策略設計教學活動。(二)運用 PBL 教學策略於國中生活科技課程,並比較其與傳統教學策略對學生問題解決能力之影響。(三)探討在國中生活科技課程中運用 PBL 教學策略,學生的學習反應。(四)綜合研究結果,歸納並提出建議,以供生活科技教學及未來研究之參考。實驗係將問題導向學習教學策略應用於生活科技課程,並以國中一年級學生為對象進行為期四週的教學實驗。實驗後得到以下結論(一)根據 PBL 基本運作架構與實施工作要點,所設計的製造科技領域教學活動能真正體現生活科技之特質。(二)將 PBL 教學策略融入國中生活科技課程,能提高學生的問題解決能力(三)學生對於 PBL 教學策略應用於生活科技課程的學習反應良好。The purpose of this study is to explore the application of manufacturing technology of Living Technology by instructional strategy of problem-based learning (PBL). The study aimed at four objects: (1) To design the Living Technology curriculums in junior high school with PBL instructional strategy. (2) To apply PBL instructional strategy in Living Technology of junior high school and comparing students’ problem-solving ability with traditional one. (3) To explore the students’ reaction after PBL instructional strategy was applied in Living Technology curriculums. (4) To generalize the findings and provided some suggestions for instruction or further study. The final result of this study were as follows: (1) To design the Living Technology curriculums by PBL instructional strategy was conformed attribute of Living Technology .(2) To design the Living Technology curriculums by PBL instructional strategy cultivates students’ problem-solving ability. (3) To learn this curriculums let students had good reaction.教學策略傳統教學策略問題導向學習問題解決能力instructional strategytraditional instructional strategyproblem-based learningproblem-solving ability問題導向學習教學策略應用於國中生活科技課程之學習成效研究-以製造科技為例