溫明麗Dr. Ming-Lee Wen黃俊斌Chun-Pin Huang2019-08-282008-1-212019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0890000078%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90272摘 要 本研究旨在建構適用於國小社會領域之批判性思考教學模式,並探究批判性思考教學模式以及社會領域學業成績,對於學生社會領域批判性思考表現的影響。研究對象為高雄市一所國小六年級學生,二班實驗組,二班控制組,共計134位。以自編之社會領域批判性思考能力測驗,對兩組施前測與後測,並以二因子單變量共變數分析以及多變量共變數分析進行研究假設之統計考驗。實驗組學生依社會成就測驗成績,選出高、低分組各3名個案,接受教學前期與後期之教室觀察,以瞭解其批判性思能力之實際發展情形。本研究之結論如下: 一、批判性思考教學模式較一般教學模式更有利於增進學童之批判性思考能力。在測驗「總分」上,實驗組顯著優於控制組,高學業成績組優於低學業成績組;在高學業成績層面,實驗組之「質疑」和「解放」分測驗表現,顯著優於控制組;在低學業成績層面,實驗組之「解放」和「重建」分測驗表現,顯著優於控制組。 二、學生具備豐富背景知識較有利於批判性思考能力之學習。在測驗總分上,高學業成績學生較低學業成績學生為佳;在控制組層面,高學業成績學生之「重建」分測驗表現,顯著優於低學業成績學生。 三、批判性思考教學模式有利提升批判性思考之品質。接受實驗教學後,在質疑能力方面,所有個案均能針對論證中的偏見與謬誤提出質問;在反省能力方面,多數個案能提出合乎邏輯的論證;就解放能力而言,多數個案能修正不當的原初立場,對主體價值觀能予以包容或肯定;就重建能力而言,多數個案能試圖兼顧正、反立場的價值觀提出解決方法。 四、本研究建構之批判性思考教學模式有部分修正之必要。 最後,針對上述研究結論,提出對批判性思考教學以及未來研究之具體建議。Abstract This study attempted to construct a critical thinking teaching model for social study in the elementary school , and was aimed to investigated effects of the constructed critical teaching model and social study academic achievement on students’ critical thinking performance in social study. Four sixth grade classes were selected from an elementary school in Kaohsiung City, with two class of 67 children as control group, and the other two class of 67 as experimental group, totally 134 samples. Social Study Critical Thinking Test were adopted as data-collecting instruments. A quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest was adopted. Quantitative analyses included two-way ANCOVA and two-way MANCOVA statistical methods for testing hypothesis. For qualitative analyses, 6 cases were selected from experimental group by sorting their social study academic scores and conducted classroom observation with them, to evaluate their developments of critical thinking abilities. The findings were as follows: 1. The critical thinking teaching model is more useful for improving critical thinking ability than ordinary teaching model. The experimental group was significantly better in total score than the control group. At high-level students of social study achievement, the experimental group was significantly better in question and emancipation score than the control group. At Low-level students of social study achievement, the experimental group was significantly better in emancipation and reconstruction score than the control group. 2. Abundant background knowledge is advantageous to students for learning critical thinking abilities. The high-level group on social study achievement was significantly better in total score than the high-level group. At control group, the high-level group on social study achievement was significantly better in reconstruction score than the low-level group. 3. The critical thinking teaching model is beneficial to raise student’s critical thinking quality. After accepting the critical thinking teaching model for social study, all cases could question about biases and faults in the opposition’s arguments; most cases could make reasonable arguments; most cases could correct improper standpoint and accommodate subject’s values; most cases could attempt to look after both sides’ values, and bring up ideas of problem-solving. 4.The originally constructed critical thinking teaching model should be partly revised. Finally, the investigator gave recommendations for critical thinking teaching and the future research.批判性思考批判性思考教學社會領域學業成績critical thinkingteaching of critical thinkingsocial study achievement國小批判性思考教學模式及其在社會領域上的應用The Critical Thinking Teaching Model and It’s Application to Social Study in the Elementary School