林初梅Lin, Chu-mei2014-10-272014-10-272010-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12994戰後初期,中國文化霸權主導,台灣社會充滿「去日本化」的氛圍。其後,很長一段時間,鄉土教材及教科書中的歷史敘述不是抗日戰爭,就是選擇遺忘。直到1990年代以後,教育本土(台灣)化的潮流興起,台灣社會為扭轉以中國為本位的史觀,教科書中日治時期台灣的歷史敘述始大幅增加。結果,除了武裝抗日之外,日本帶來「近代化」建設的歷史評價也逐漸成型。值得關注的是,學校教育由中國本位移向台灣本位的過程中,出現了日本統治時期殖民遺續受容的現象,「日本」元素不期然地與「中國」元素呈現消長的狀態。本文主要以1990 年代鄉土教育之醞釀期及實施過程為例說明,除比較鄉土教材、《認識台灣》與社會教科書中有關日本統治時期敘述的變化之外,同時論及台灣人身份認同形成過程中,「日本」做為一個歷史記憶的元素如何被挪用、轉化為追求自身文化認同的動力。The atmosphere of wiping out Japanese influences dominated early post-war Taiwan because of the hegemony of Chinese culture. This dominance manifested in textbooks through a biased historical discourse which either concentrated on the Sino-Japanese War and the armed resistances against the Japanese colonial regime, or selectively ignored other aspects of the Japanese colonialism. The educational ideology was altered in the 1990’s. The emergence of the nativist education changed the Sino-centric perspective and greatly expanded the description about Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule in textbooks. During the shift of these historical ideologies, Taiwanese society gradually developed a notion to accept the colonial legacy that Japanese brought to Taiwan not only colonialism but also “modernization”. This acceptance accidentally made “Japan” an element to compete with “China” in school curricula. This paper investigates the emergence and the implementation of nativist education in the 1990’s through comparing the texts about the Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan in the following teaching materials: (1) the nativist teaching materials (鄉土教材), (2) Knowing Taiwan (認識台灣), and (3) the textbooks of social studies (社會教科書). This comparison will reveal how the historical memory of Japanese rule was appropriated and transferred into a cultural impetus to the formation of Taiwanese identity.台灣日本統治時期鄉土教育鄉土教材教科書Taiwanthe Japanese colonial periodnativist educationnativist teaching materialstextbooks台灣鄉土教育思潮中的「日本」“Japan” in the Nativist Education of Taiwan: How Nativist Textbooks Interpreted Japanese Colonial Taiwan