唐嘉蓉2014-10-272014-10-272002-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12824鑑於第二外語習得的相關研究,並未觸及新聞文本對收德新聞的影響,本研究從傳播領域的相關研究出發,以探討新聞結構及議題顯著性對閱聽人理解及記憶英語新 聞的影響。本研採用2(正/倒寶塔結構)X2 (高/低顯著性議題)的二因子實驗設計、以小團體施測的方式進行,共計134名國立政治大學學生參與實驗。研究結果顯示,閱聽人對正寶塔式及倒寶塔式的新 聞結構在理解新聞的程度上有差異;議題顯著性高的新蘭較議題顯著性低的新聞能增進閱聽人對新聞內容的記憶。本研究曘後提出研究限制與檢討,並提供建議供英 語教師教學參考。Mass communication researchers have found that listeners, unlike readers, cannot digest news at their own pace, reread passages or check details. Listening comprehension is viewed as active process by second language acquisition recruited as subjects and were presented with news stories in four different versions: Low salient/ pyramid, low salient/ inverted pyramid, high salient/ pyramid, and high salient/ inverted pyramid. The study found that subjects assigned to the inverted pyramid structure news condition comprehended better than those in the pyramid structure news condition. Subjects in the high salient issue condition remembered the content better than those in the low salient issue condition. These findings suggest that knowledge of news salient issue condition. These findings suggest that knowledge of news structure and prior information would facilitate listening comprehension.英語新聞新聞結構議題顯著性理解與記憶News structureIssue salienceComprehension and memory新聞特性對閱聽人的影響A Study of College Students' Comprehension and Memory of English Radio News