國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系王美文蔡來蔭李英春吳佩芝姜淑卿2014-10-302014-10-301998-06-011026-7301http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34100本研究係探討原設於新陳代謝科,以服務糖尿病患為主之內科門診保健諮詢服務室 。為探其服務成效,針對其衛教服務量、病患滿意度、對疾病的認知程度作評值,發現:一 、其服務對象局限,致服務人數少。二、病患對衛教地點及教材滿意度偏低。服務範圍擴大 至糖尿病外之內科疾病。經比較原內科門診保健諮詢服務室及內科門診診保健諮詢服務櫃 檯。三、經衛教後病患認知程度可提升。針對此情形而成立開放式內科門診保健諮詣服務櫃 檯執行情形,結果顯示:一、成立內科門診保健諮詣服務櫃檯日平均衛教人數約15人,衛教 工時3小時19分,與原內科門診保健諮詢服務室日平均衛教人數6人,衛教工時1小時39分, 提升50%,有顯著的增加。二、內科門診保健諮詢服務櫃檯成立後病患滿意度平均92.5%,較 原內科門診保健諮詣服務室滿意度平均81.53%為高。三、衛教前糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂的 病患認知程度百分比各為53.78%、69%、61.22%,經衛教後的認知百分比各為82.02%、 87.20%、83.87%皆明顯提升。故由內科門診保健諮詢服務室,擴大為內科門診保健諮詢服務 櫃檯之努力確有成效。This research is to study the Medical Consultation Service Room (MCSR) for internal medicine outpatients originally founded at the department of metabolism to serve patients of diabetes. In order to study the effect of service, we made an evaluation based on the quantity of health education service, patients satisfaction, and the level of cognition toward diseases. We have obtained the following findings:1. The number of people receiving such services is quite few because of the limitation of service.2. Patients' satisfaction level to the place of health education and the teaching materials is pretty low.3. The level of cognition toward diseases is upgraded after the patients receive health education. Under this circumstance, the open style Medical Consultation Service Counter (MCSC) for internal medicine outpatients was established in hope to extend the service to cover the patients who suffer diseases of internal medcine other than diabetes and need transfer medical. After comparing MCSR and MCSC it reveals that:1. The average number of people receiving health education per working day at MCSC is 15 persons, and the working hours for health education is 3 hours & 19 minutes. As compared with MCSR for 6 persons receiving health education per working day and working hour for health education for 1 hour & 39 minutes, the effect of service is increas- ing obviously for a rate of 50%.2. The level of patient's satisfaction to MCSC reaches 92.5% as compared 81.53% to MCSR.3. The level of cognition toward diabetes, hypertension, and high blood fat is upgrade from 53.78%, 69%, and 61. 22% to 82.02%, 87.20%, and 83.87% respectively after the patients receive health education. Therefore, the effort to expand the previous MCSR to MCSC has achieved success and there is still room for further expansion in the future.內科門診保健諮詢服務室健康教育內科門診保健諮詢服務櫃檯Medical consultation service roomMCSRHealth educationMedical consultation service counterMCSC內科門診保健諮詢服務成效之改善Improvement of the Effect of Medical Consultation Service for Internal Medicine Outpatients�