林美娟 博士紀宜岑Yi-Tsen Chi2019-08-292012-8-12019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695080130%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92980本研究以台北市某國小為例,由「教師」及「學生」之角度探討小筆電於國小六年級國語、數學、藝術與人文、健康與體育四個領域之教學應用實施情況。研究者採質性研究方式,藉由教室觀察方式,紀錄教師及學生於課堂中操作小筆電進行教與學歷程,並從教室觀察紀錄、師生心得札記、專家評鑑回饋、學生問卷與訪談資料,歸納參與研究教師及學生使用小筆電進行教與學的優勢,分析其所遭遇的問題,探討小筆電於國小教學應用發展之可能性。研究結果發現,小筆電能促進課堂之間師生角色的轉變及學生學習興趣的提升,而小筆電能讓教師設計更多元的教學活動,並在有限教學時間內,達到以往教學方式無法達到的教學效能。The purpose of this research is to build a computer supported learning environment, and examine the feasibility and efficiency of integrating netbook into the learning areas of Chinese, Mathematics, Health and Physical, and Art and Humanities, which is to give an example of an elementary school in Taipei City. The case study research used qualitative research methods, collecting data by classroom observation, reflective journal, questionnaires, and semi-structured interview. Researcher analyzed the documents collected during the semester, trying to explore the changes of teacher and students by using netbook while teaching and learning. The results of this research show that netbook in classroom can facilitate the role change between teacher and students, promoting the learning attitude and efficiency of students. Furthermore, netbook enables teachers to design more diversified lessons, promoting the teaching efficiency.小筆電資訊科技融入教學質性研究NetbookIntegrating information technology into instructionQualitative Research小筆電於國小教學應用之個案研究Netbook-supported instruction in elementary schools:A case study