周明林家萬LIN CHIA WAN2019-09-042010-6-302019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069270046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98488隨著數位化科技的進步,運用各種媒體來呈現數位學習內容已是時勢所趨,以網路為教學工具的數位學習環境已是多元化教學中不可或缺的一環。透過網路,學習者可以不受時間與空間的限制學習專業知識,教學者可依不同的需求來調整教材內容及課程進度,以達到更有效的教育訓練,此外,教師可利用規劃完善的評量模式來評估學習者的學習成效。 因此本研究以網際網路為架構發展機械製造之數位學習評量模式,研究對象為大學修習數控工具機之學生,分為兩組:實驗組為數位學習網路教學,對照組則使用一般傳統教室教學,所得之資料利用SPSS套裝軟體進行統計分析,分析結果如下: 一、對數位學習網路教學與傳統教室教學兩種不同教學方式而言,高職背景學生學習成效優於高中背景學生。 二、對數位學習網路教學與傳統教室教學兩種不同教學方式而言,不論實驗組或對照組,其學習認知與學習成效未達顯著差異。 三、對數位學習網路教學與傳統教室教學兩種不同教學方式而言,不論實驗組或對照組,其學習認知與學習成效之相關性未達顯著差異。 四、對數位學習網路教學滿意度而言,大部分的學生是滿意這樣的設計,認為學習環境因其互動性較好的關係而提高了學習興趣,且能適切應用所學之相關知識,並認為此數位學習環境有助於專業能力的提昇。As the advance of digital technology, e-Learning techniques become widespread and an essential tool for multi-disciplinary education. The user of e-Learning can disregard time and space constraints to study specialized knowledge. The teacher can adjust the contents and progress of the course to fit his needs, and hence to achieve a more effective training. In addition, the teacher can use the well-prepared evaluation methods provided by the e-Learning environment in order to evaluate the effectiveness of learning. Therefore, this study probes into e-Learning evaluation methods of “Manufacturing Engineering” provided on the Internet. The objects of study in this research are university students, which study numerical control machining. The students were divided into two groups: the experiment group, which employed Internet E-learning techniques; and a control group, which used conventional teaching. The data collected was analyzed by SPSS Software, and yielded the following results: 1.The comparison of Internet e-Learning techniques with conventional classroom teaching methods showed that students with vocational background demonstrated better effectiveness than student with high-school background. 2.The comparison of Internet e-Learning techniques with conventional classroom teaching method, showed no evident difference in the Perception of Study or students’ effectiveness between the experiment group and the control group. 3.The comparison of Internet e-Learning techniques with conventional classroom teaching method, showed no evident difference in the interdependency of Perception of Study and students’ effectiveness between the experiment group and the control group. 4.Most learners expressed their satisfaction from the design of Internet e-Learning techniques, and pointed out that the positive interaction featured in this method deepened their interest. The learners added that E-learning techniques could correspond to their required practical knowledge and hence could help them to enhance their professional skills.數位學習網路教學傳統教學學習成效e-Learningnetwork educationconventional educationlearning effectiveness機械製造之數位學習成效研究A Study on the Effectiveness of Manufacturing E-Learning System