楊瑞瑟Yang, Jui-Se王昱心Wang, Yu-Hsin2019-09-062019-01-162019-09-062019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080290022M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108320瑞士出生的美籍猶太裔作曲家厄內斯特.布洛赫(Ernest Bloch, 1880-1959),本身除了是一位音樂家之外,也是業餘的攝影愛好者。音樂、閱讀文學、旅行與攝影,是他紓解壓力與尋找自我的方式,而布洛赫也經常將過程中所獲得的靈感注入音樂創作中,使作品極具獨特性。本論文所探討的《中提琴組曲》(Suite for Viola and Piano, 1919) 中,不難感受到布洛赫獨特的美學品味,以及想要展現自我風格的企圖。 《中提琴組曲》創作於布洛赫具指標性的「猶太系列」(Jewish Cycle, 1911-1916)作品之後,擁有與「猶太系列」截然不同的全新樂風,是布洛赫突破自我的全新作品。《中提琴組曲》更獲得由兼具美國知名女贊助者及音樂家身分的伊莉莎白.斯普拉格.庫莉基女士(Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, 1864-1953)於1919年所舉辦的「柏克夏音樂節 (Berkshire Festival)暨作曲大賽」第一名殊榮。這首極具作曲家個人美學觀與創造力的《中提琴組曲》,其創作靈感與手法和布洛赫在巴黎定居期間所體驗的音樂、藝術風格、與德布西的接觸(Claude Debussy, 1862-1918),以及和好友戈代(Robert Godet, 1866-1950)之間的情誼、互動……等,有著緊密的連結。 本論文將討論作曲家的生平經歷,以及分析《中提琴組曲》各樂章所展現的不同特色,並往外擴展探討該創作年代的政治、人文活動與大環境變化等因素的影響下,所產生的文學、藝術與音樂風格,給予布洛赫在創作思維與手法上的啟發。 關鍵字:厄內斯特.布洛赫、猶太系列、伊莉莎白.斯普拉格.庫莉基女士、德布西、戈代Ernest Bloch (1880-1959), not only a Swiss-born American Jewish composer, was also an amateur photographer. By reaching into his inner world and relieving his stress through composing music, reading literatures, traveling and taking photography, Bloch was inspired and produced his compositions in a very unique way. While researching the topic of this dissertation, Suite for Viola and Piano (1919), it is easy to feel Bloch’s special aesthetic taste and his ambition to show his own style. Suite for Viola and Piano was written after the Bloch's iconic work “Jewish Cycle” (1911-1916), the tone color of the work Suite for Viola and Piano differs significantly from the “Jewish Cycle”. In addition, Suite for Viola and Piano won the first prize of the Berkshire Festival& Coolidge Competition in 1919, which was under the auspices of Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge (1864-1953), a well-known American female sponsor and musician. Bloch’s Suite for Viola and Piano is full of his personal aesthetics and creativity. The inspiration and techniques of the work are closely linked to the musical and artistic characteristics that Bloch experienced during his stay in Paris, the contact with Claude Debussy (1862-1918) and his friendship with Robert Godet (1866-1950), etc.. Thisdissertation discusses Bloch's life experience and analyzes the different characteristics of each movement in his Suite for Viola and Piano, in addition to studying the current events and cultural activities as well as the changes of the social atmosphere during the time Bloch composed this work. Lastly, it reveals how the literary, artistic and musical elements of the time influenced Bloch’s creative thinking and composing approach. Keywords: Ernest Bloch, Jewish Cycle, Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, Claude Debussy, Robert Godet厄內斯特.布洛赫猶太系列伊莉莎白.斯普拉格.庫莉基女士德布西戈代Ernest BlochJewish CycleElizabeth Sprague CoolidgeClaude DebussyRobert Godet厄內斯特.布洛赫《中提琴組曲》之探究The Study of Ernest Bloch’s “Suite for Viola and Piano”