黃乃熒2014-10-272014-10-272005-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17492本研究旨在探討學校組織變革意識型態所衍生出之各種變革現象。學校組織變革係指學校組織對於新理念之採行,由於意識型態指涉理念體系,因此它可作為學校組 織變革之媒介,並引導學校組織變革的方向。學校組織變革之意識型態係指學校組織變革價值體系形成的歷程與結果,會衍生出不同的變革形態、執行策略及品質。 學校組織變革意識型態包括正面及負面兩個向度。正面意識型態會指涉學校組織變革正確之理念;反之,則指涉錯誤之理念。正、負面意識型態對於學校組織變革的 形態、執行策略及變革品質會產生不同的影響。為瞭解這些現象,本研究採質性研究法,以一所國民中學為個案進行研究,並藉訪談來蒐集資料。經過資料分析與討 論,提出結論與建議。This study explored how ideology influences organizational change in Taiwan’s secondary schools. Organizational change in schools means the adoption of a new idea by an organization; ideology refers to a set of closely related ideas. Therefore, ideology as a medium will influence the direction of organizational change in schools. In general, the ideology of organizational change in schools may be defined as the process of forming new value systems. Ideology itself involves positive and negative conceptual systems: these will cause different patterns of change, and different strategies for implementing change and different qualities of change in schools. In order to understand these phenomena, the present study used a qualitative approach to collect the data. It uses a junior high school as the basis for its analysis.學校組織變革意識型態Organizational change in schoolsIdeologyPatterns of changeQualities of change學校組織變革之意識型態研究A Study of the Ideology of Organizational Change in Schools: The Case of Junior High School