周明Jou, Min楊宗曄Yang, Tsung-Yeh2023-12-082027-07-122023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8b04bd585cddabde1e7a05976fe2a823/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120742本研究目的在於探究臺灣大學生之自覺健康、學習壓力、學習投入間之關係,並進而驗證其理論模型。主要採用問卷調查法,選擇臺灣的大學生為研究對象,採用的研究工具為「自覺健康量表」、「學習壓力量表」與「學習投入量表」。本研究採用之統計方法如下:描述統計分析、獨立樣本t考驗、信度分析、變異數分析、相關分析。研究發現「自覺健康」、「學習壓力」與「學習投入」皆大部分構面互相具顯著性,臺灣大學生的「自覺健康」、「學習壓力」與「學習投入」相關性皆有影響存在。根據本研究研究所得之結果,可以歸納出研究結論與建議,盼能對往後從事大專院校教師或學生事務工作者、有關權責單位能有啟發。關鍵詞:新冠肺炎、自覺健康、學習壓力、學習投入The purpose of this study is to explore the relations among Taiwanese college students' self-rated health status, learning stress, and learning engagement, and to verify its theoretical model. This study mainly adopted the questionnaire survey method. The Taiwanese college students were selected as the research objects. The research tools adopted were “self-rated health scale”, “learning stress scale” and “learning engagement scale”. The statistical methods used in this study were as follows: descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t test, reliability analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis. The study showed that most of the dimensions of"self-rated health", "learning stress" and "learning engagement" were significant to each other, and the correlations between "self-rated health", "learning stress” and "earning engagement" of Taiwanese college students all had an impact. According to the results of this research, we can summarize the research conclusions and suggestions, hoping to inspire future college teachers, college staff, and relevant authorities. Keywords:COVID-19, self-rated health, learning stress, learning engagement新冠肺炎自覺健康學習壓力學習投入COVID-19self-rated healthlearning stresslearning engagement新冠肺炎疫情時代大學生自覺健康、學習壓力與學習投入之探究The Inquiry of Taiwanese College Students' Self-Rated Health Status, Learning Stress and Learning Engagement in the Pandemic Era of COVID-19etd