陳李綢蔡幸君Hsing-Chun Tsai2019-08-282011-12-272019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595012113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90789本研究主要目的在設計一套適合國中八年級的「多元智能探索課程」,並探討該課程對國中八年級學生的學習動機與學習態度之影響效果。研究方法採不等組前後測準實驗設計,以台北市某國中63名八年級學生為研究對象,實驗組共33位學生,控制組共30位學生,實驗組接受為期六週,每週三節課(135分鐘),共十八節的實驗課程處理,控制組學生則調整教學進度先進行其他綜合活動課程。 本研究以「國中生學習動機量表」及「國中生學習動機量表」為量化資料的評量工具,於實驗課程開始前與結束後分別進行前、後測,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行統計處理,並分析「單元回饋表」、「課程總回饋表」、「教師省思札記」及「學生訪談問卷」為質性的輔佐資料以深入瞭解教學實驗之效果。研究之主要發現如下: 1. 多元智能探索課程具可行性。 2. 多元智能探索課程有助於提升國中八年級學生的學習動機,包括「學習價值」、 「自我效能」及「目標導向」層面。 3. 多元智能探索課程有助於提升國中八年級學生的學習態度,包括「對教師的 態度」及「對同儕的態度」層面,但無法有效提升「對學校環境的態度」。 4. 實驗組學生對多元智能探索課程的看法持正向且肯定的態度,喜歡課程內容 與教學方式,覺得學習內容有趣且能有收穫,並給予實驗課程相當高的評價 及滿意度,亦表示透過課程能對自己的多元智能有更多的認識與了解,且知覺到此課程對個人的生涯發展有所助益。 最後研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以作為未來教育輔導及相關研究之參考。The study aims to design a multiple-intelligence exploration curriculum, and to investigate their effect to learning motivation and attitude of eighth graders in junior high school. The study adapts a quasi-experiment design, which has a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group. The subjects are 63 eighth graders from a junior high school in Taipei county. There are 33 students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. In the experimental group, students receive a six-week treatment. They have three classes a week, and they totally have eighteen classes during the experiment. As for the students in the control group, the schedule for the lessons is changed. They receive other lessons during the experiment period. The quantitative instruments utilized to examine the effects of the study are “Learning Motivation Inventory for Junior High School Students” and “Learning Attitude Inventory for Junior High School Students”. The two instruments were administered before and after the experiment. The collected data were analyzed with one-way ANCOVA. The qualitative data include “students’ feedback in each class” , “students’ overall feedback” , “teacher’s reflective journals” , and “questionnaires of students’ interview data”. The data are analyzed to examine the effects of the experiment. The main findings of the study were as the following: 1. Multiple-intelligence exploration curriculum is practical. 2. Multiple-intelligence exploration curriculum help enhance eighth-graders’ learning motivation in three aspects: “learning value” , “self-efficacy” , and “objective orientation” . 3. Multiple-intelligence exploration curriculum help eighth-graders be equipped with better learning attitude and this can be seen in “attitudes toward the teacher” and “attitudes toward peer students” , but not in “attitudes toward school environment” . 4. In the experimental group, most students hold positive views toward multiple-intelligence exploration curriculum. They like the content of the courses and the way of teaching. For these students, the content is interesting. They feel that the courses help them learn a lot and they give high evaluation and satisfaction to the curriculum. They think that they know more about the multiple intelligences of themselves and that the curriculum are helpful for their career development. The researcher probed into the results of the study and gave concrete suggestions to future studies about educational counseling.多元智能學習動機學習態度multiple intelligenceslearning motivationlearning attitude多元智能探索課程對國中八年級學生學習動機與學習態度之影響The Effect of Multiple Intelligences Exploration Curriculum on Learning Motivation and Learning Attitude for Eighth Grade Students