張妙霞Miao Hsia Chang蘇婉珮Wan Pei Su2019-09-032005-07-302019-09-032005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068921008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97287近年來,中文動詞詞彙語意的研究十分豐富;然而有關臺灣閩南語動詞詞彙語意之研究卻仍在起步中。 此篇論文試圖研究臺灣閩南話動詞詞彙語意。在本篇研究中,我們主要參考有關動詞詞彙語意與功能語法之相關理論 (Biber et al. 1996, 1998; Fillmore 1968, 1982; Jackendoff 1976, 1990; Hopper and Thompson 1980; Levin 1993; Vendler 1967),探究臺灣閩南語有關“溝通動詞”之功能語意。所研究之溝通動詞包括了「講、提出、建議」。藉由觀察語料庫中語料分佈之型態,研究顯示雖然臺灣閩南語這三個溝通動詞都是用於溝通,然而卻在語法呈現、語意呈現與事件結構皆顯露出細微的不同處。大體來說,這三個溝通動詞中,「講」是最常被使用的,也因為如此,在語法呈現、語意呈現與事件結構也展現著多樣性;「提出」相較之下,在語法呈現、語意呈現與事件結構是最受限的,而「建議」介於中間。首先,不同的語法呈現建議三個溝通動詞中, 「提出」有最高的可及物性而「建議」最低。 再者,不同的語意呈現顯示「講」在各種場合皆大大被使用,尤其是在口語型式,描述日常生活。「提出」與「建議」,尤其是「提出」則較喜歡被使用於書寫型式、正式場合與論談中,顯示著講者間不平衡之權力關係。「講」包含雙向與單向之溝通方向;然而「提出」與「建議」則只包含單向之溝通。最後不同的事件結構呈現「講」最具彈性,而「提出」則是一非常典型時間結束點明確的動詞。For the past decade, abundant verbal semantic researches on Mandarin Chinese have been conducted, yet verbal semantics studies on Taiwanese Southern Min are still in its infancy. The present thesis aims to be a pioneering study of verbal semantics in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM). Following the theories of verbal semantics and functional grammar (Biber et al. 1996, 1998; Fillmore 1968, 1982; Jackendoff 1976, 1990; Hopper and Thompson 1980; Levin 1993; Vendler 1967), this present thesis explores the functional semantic properties of communication verbs in TSM, for they constitute a basic domain in our lexicon and they encode the most fundamental aspect of human activity. Three communication verbs, namely KONG ‘to speak, say’ 講 (verb of speaking), THECHHUT ‘to propose; to raise (a question)’ 提出 (as a verb of speaking and of suggestion) and KIANGI ‘to suggest’ 建議 (also as a verb of suggestion) are chosen for analysis and discussion. This thesis examines corpus-based distributional patterns to delimit the semantic and functional properties of each verb in question. The three verbs of communication in TSM sharing the same frame do reveal the subtle differences and similarities regarding their syntactic representations, semantic representations and the transitivity. Overall, among the three verbs, KONG which is an extremely unmarked use, demonstrates most varieties in its use while KIANGI is more restricted and THECHHUT is the most restricted communication verb. The different syntactic representations suggest that THECHHUT is of the highest transitivity while KONG is of lower transitivity and KIANGI is of the lowest transitivity. Their semantic representations demonstrate that KONG is widely used in almost all situations and is preferred in the spoken form which depicts daily life; whereas KIANGI and, in particular, THECHHUT are preferred in the formal context and situational talks, which exhibits the power asymmetry between speakers. KONG involves either one-way direction or bi-directional communication while the communication in THECHHUT and KIANGI is always one way. Lastly, their transitivity shows that KONG is very flexible regarding to the distinction features of telicity and punctuality. KIANGI can either be telic/durative and telic/punctual while THECHHUT is a very typical punctual/telic verb.閩南語溝通動詞動詞詞彙語意Taiwanese Southern MinVerbs of CommunicationVerbal Semantics台灣閩南語:講、提出、建議之語意及功能研究A Functional Semantic Study of KONG, THECHHUT and KIANGI in Taiwanese Southern Min