許育典Yue-Dian Hsu2014-10-272014-10-272010-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13084日新月異的媒體傳播工具不斷地出現,如何讓學生(未來的公民)能具有解析媒體資訊的能力,而非一昧地全盤吸收媒體所提供的訊息,將是我國教育未來重要的課題。事實上,這也就是媒體素養教育日漸重要的原因,而且因為媒體會對現代的公民社會產生重大的影響,如果訊息接受者無法瞭解媒體訊息都是經過包裝的,那麼將不易形成自主的公民意識,反而容易淪為他人操控的工具,如此一來,更遑論公民的自我實現?因此,如何在公民受教育的過程中,讓公民透過相關的公民教育課程,擁有媒體素養的能力,是我國教育基本權是否落實的關鍵。但是,不論是國中小的「九年一貫課程J '或是高中的「公民與社會課程綱要J '媒體素養教育都只是曇花一現。所以,本文最主要的目的即在於檢討媒體素養教育在我國公民教育的落實。Communication tools change with each passing day, so the most important issue in our future education is how to let students have the ability to analyze rather than absorb information from media overall. In fact, this is the reason why media literacy education becomes more important than before. What's more, media has the huge influence on civil society. To be more specific, if audiences couldn't realize information from media which is packaged, it is not easy to establish autonomous civic consciousness. That is to say, citizens without civic consciousness would be manipulated easily instead of mentioning the self-realization of citizens. Therefore, how to fulfill media literacy education in civic educations is the key to putting the fundamental right of education into practice. But no matter nine-year integrated curriculum in elementary and secondary school or the course guideline of civics and society in senior high school media literacy education is a flash in the pan. So the purpose of this article is to review the implementation of media literacy education in our nation's civic education.自我實現婦體素養教育公民教育教育基本權資訊教育self-realizationmedia literacy educationcivic educationfundamental right of educationinformation technology education媒體素養教育在我國公民教育的現況與檢討Review the Implementation of Media Literacy Education in Our Nation's Civic Education