張建成博士甄曉蘭博士周秀潔Chou Hsiu-Chieh2019-08-282006-1-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069200004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89460本研究目的在於從教師實際的教學工作現場,瞭解外籍配偶子女的學校適應情形,包含外籍配偶子女的學習表現、同儕關係、師生互動與親師溝通。並且透過教師對外籍配偶子女教育情形的覺知與應對,分析外籍配偶子女教育關懷上可能的困難與盲點。 本研究採取質性的個案研究方法,訪問台北縣一大型國小中的六位班級導師,低、中、高年級各二位,此六位導師在研究期間,班上均有一位以上的外籍配偶子女。透過訪談與文件分析的方式蒐集相關資料,進行分析與詮釋,以達成研究目的。 研究發現如下: 1、外籍配偶子女的學校適應情形與一般學童並無不同。 2、學校適應問題源於家庭經濟與氣氛的複合作用。 3、外籍配偶子女身分並不影響教師的實際對待方式。 4、相關教育行政措施隱含外籍配偶之污名化標記。 5、外籍配偶子女教育問題有待重新評估。 根據本研究結論,提出以下四點建議: 1、應破除「外籍配偶」與「外籍配偶子女」的污名印象。 2、應加強親師溝通管道的彈性與語言輔助。 3、避免以外籍配偶子女的單一身分做為政策標籤。 4、有關未來研究的建議:應將重點置於瞭解外籍配偶子女教育問題的原委,而非強調問題的嚴重性。The purpose of this study is to examine the school adjustment of foreign spouse’ children, based on school teachers’ actual teaching experience. This study looks into students’ performance in class, relations with classmates, student–teacher interaction and parents–teacher communication. In addition, this study also examines the way teachers perceive and deal with the educational problems that children of foreign spouse are facing. The researcher then analyzes the possible difficulties and blind spots in the education of children from mixed-nationality marriage family. This study is a qualitative case study design and has conducted interviews with 6 home-room teachers– working in a large elementary school in Taipei County. Each of these six teachers had in class at least one student from mixed-nationality marriage family. Based on the analysis of interviews and analysis of related literature, this study has the following findings: 1.There is no significant difference between the school adjustment of foreign spouse’ children and of regular students. 2.Problems in school adjustment are the results of family’s financial condition and its atmosphere. 3.The identity of foreign spouse’ children does not affect teachers’ actual attitude towards them. 4.The relevant administrative measures put into practice in the education system imply negative tagging of foreign spouse. 5.There is a need to reevaluate of the issues of education for foreign spouse’ children. The study has come up with the following four suggestions: 1.There is a need to break the stigmas of “foreign spouse” and “foreign spouse’ children”. 2.There is a need to enhance the flexibility and language assistance for teacher–parents’ communication. 3.There is a need to avoid simply using the identity of foreign spouse’ children as a political tagging. 4.For future studies, the focus should be placed on examining the actual causes of educational problems confronted by the children of foreign spouse, not on the exaggeration of the problems.外籍配偶子女學校適應Foreign Spouse's ChildrenSchool Adjustment外籍配偶子女的學校適應—教師的覺知與應對The School Adjustment of Foreign Spouse' Children -- Teacher's Perception and Reaction