國立臺灣師範大學地理學系馬鴻文郭乃文2015-09-032015-09-032009/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=1892355http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74849隨著電器產品及資訊產品的日益普及與推陳出新,所帶來生活中的便利是無 可否認的。然而所淘汰的廢電子電機產品卻也造成另一個必需克服的問題。包括 電子電機產品內所含對人體有害重金屬、如何將廢棄之產品做最有效的回收再利 用及產品耗能等問題。除此之外,電子產業對於台灣的經濟發展貢獻良多,因電 子產業的發展也帶動了上游鋼鐵、化工及下游的民生、服務業等,在電子化普及 的現代社會扮演重要的角色。故其所造成的環境負荷及與上下游污染排放的關係 相對而言也日趨重要。 本研究第一年即針對回收階段進行回收處理程序生命週期評估,而第二年則 進一步針對製程中RoHS 指令所規範之物質及替代技術進行分析。儘管生命週期 評估在台灣已廣泛被應用,但受限於系統邊界設定及評估尺度不一,很難對於產 業現階段情勢做一全面性的環境評估。不管是生產製程,甚至整體產業結構供需 間的關係,其實都可以透過生命週期評估的方式來檢視並改善。利用IO-LCA 之 方法可以得出產品每單位的投入,對整體環境將連動其他產業多大的污染排放。Electrical and electronic products enhance the living standards in the modern societies. Not only the electrical and electronic industry itself, but also the upstream industries such as iron and steel industry and petrochemical industry and downstream industries such as service industry altogether boost the modern economy. In spite of the positive contribution of the industry, it is important to examine the environmental burden associated with this industry. In the first year of the research project, we focused on the stage of WEEE, conducting LCA for the recycling and disposal of wastes. In the second year, we investigate the substances regulated by RoHS involved in this industry and analyze the alternative technologies. In the third year, we are proposing to investigate the environmental impact of the industry by positioning it among the supply chain under current industrial structure in a comprehensive way. IO-LCA will be employed to identify the interactions between industries in the supply chain and look for efficient improvement strategies.生命週期評估投入產出生命週期評估電子電機產業混合型生命週期評估LCAIO-LCAelectrical and electronic industryhybrid LCA關鍵產業與消費型物質之綠色管理---電子電機產品之整合性環境評估與管理(III)Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management of Electrical and Electronic Products(III)