黃禎貞林世華2014-10-272014-10-272006-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17917本研究目的在瞭解多元自尊對國中生健康促進行為的影響,並且分析多元自專與健康促進行為的相關結構,以作為未來健康促進行為介入與自專教育的參考依據。 本研究就嘉義縣所有國中,採分區叢集隨機抽樣方式,選取16班,共481位學生為研究對象,以青少年自尊量表與青少年健康促進行為量表為研究工具,得有效 資料458份。所蒐集的資料採用典型相關分析,並以α=.05為顯著考驗水準。 由研究結果發現,自尊與健康行為之問具有典型相關存在,其相關結構分述如下: 一、自尊越高,則越致力於健康促進行為。 二、人際能力感越高者,則越能落實人際支持行為。 三、身體能力感與生理價值感越高者,則越能落實運動行為。 四、外在認可越低與生理價值感越高者,則越能履行營巷行為且壓力管理也越好。 五、生理價值感越高者,則越能落實運動行為與營養行為。 六、內在評價越高者,則越能落實責任行為與運動行為而且其壓力管理也越好。 本文依據研究結果進行討論,並且對未來的研究與應用提出相關建議。The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of the multiple self-esteem construct on the health promotion behaviors of junior high school students, and analyze the structure of the correlation between multiple self-esteem and health promotion behavior as reference to intervention of health promotion behaviors and self-esteem education. This study used clustered random sampling to select 16 classes, a total of 481 students, from all junior high schools in Chiayi County, and used the "Adolescent Self-Esteem Scale" and "Adolescent Health Promotion Scale" as research tools. A total of 458 valid questionnaires were returned. The data were analyzed with Canonical Correlation Analysis, and used α=.05 as the significant level. The result of the study showed that the canonical correlation existed between self-esteem and health promoting behavior. The correlation structure was separately stated as follows: 1. Higher self-esteem attributes to better realization of health promotion behavior. 2. Higher interpersonal competence attributes to better realization of social support behavior. 3. Higher physical competence and physiological worthiness attribute to better realization of exercise behavior. 4. Lower external evaluation and higher physiological worthiness attribute to better realization of nutrition behavior and stress management. 5. Higher physiological worthiness attributes to better realization of exercise and nutrition behaviors. 6. Higher internal evaluation attributes to better realization of health responsibility, exercise behavior and stress management. The results of the study were discussed, and the recommendations for future researches and applications were proposed.自尊健康促進行為典型相關國中生青少年Self-esteemHealth promotion behaviorCanonical correlationJunior high school studentsAdolescent多元自尊構念對國中生健康促進行為之影響研究The Effect of the Multiple Self-esteem Construct on the Health Promotion Behaviors of Junior High School Students