呂昌明Lu Chang-ming王淑芳Wang Shu-Fang2019-08-282012-8-72019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893050098%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88027本研究旨在驗證健康行動過程路徑(HAPA)是否適用於台灣青少年的規律運動行為。研究對象為286名台北市某國中七年級的學生。在兩個月的追蹤調查中,使用了三份結構式問卷。利用徑路分析發現:(1)25.5%的研究對象有從事規律運動;(2)經過幾次的修正調整後,HAPA運用在青少年規律運動上的適配情形良好(χ2=38.225、χ2/df=1.593、GFI=.974、AGFI=.943、PGFI=.443、NFI=.959、 CFI=.984、SRMR=.036、RMSEA=.046),整個模式可解釋規律運動行為28%的變異量。修正後的模式顯示規律運動意圖與行為有直接及間接的關係,計畫(包括行動計畫和因應計畫)與自我效能(包括因應自我效能及恢復自我效能)扮演著中介變項的角色。這些結果顯示修正後的HAPA對於促進青少年從事規律運動是有助益的。最後,本研究也對相關教育課程及未來研究提出一些建議。The purpose of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the general compatibility (i. e., goodness of fit) of the Health Action Processes Approach (HAPA) with the data. During a two-month period, a follow-up survey with three structured questionnaires was administered to 286 7th graders at a junior high school in Taipei City. By using path analysis, the findings were as follows: (1) 25.5 % of the respondents did regular exercise; (2) after several post hoc re-specifications, the HAPA model for regular exercise behavior was found to fit the data relatively well ( χ2=38.225, χ2/df=1.593, GFI=.974, AGFI=.943, PGFI=.443, NFI=.959, CFI=.984, SRMR=.036, RMSEA=.046 ) and explained 28 % of variance in regular exercise behavior. The model suggested direct and indirect associations between exercise intention and behavior. Planning (including action planning and coping planning) and self-efficacy (including coping self-efficacy and recovery self-efficacy) emerged as mediators. In conclusion, the findings of the current study provided support for a revised HAPA model to enhance regular exercise behavior for adolescents. Finally, recommendations for education intervention and future research are provided as well.健康行動過程路徑(HAPA)規律運動行為青少年Health Action Processes Approach (HAPA)regular exercise behavioradolescents健康行動過程路徑對青少年規律運動行為的預測效果The Predicted Effects of the Health Action Process Approach Model on Regular Exercise Behavior for Adolescents