董貞吟張家儒駱怡安2014-10-272014-10-272004-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18077本研究為國內首次探討大學生對於校園音環境的覺知、態度與需求之研究。本計畫以全國53所一般大學為母群體,立意選取北中南東10所不同特色的大學,徵求 各校與聲音環境相關科系或社團之同學參與焦點團體,以收集學生對於校園音環境的覺知、態度及需求之質性資料,共計進行10次焦點團體、參與人數達93人。 訪談時的錄音全數轉為逐字稿後,使用Nvivo軟體輔助編碼及分丁,結果發各除常見的自然聲外,針對該校地理位置、系所、宗教、校內環境規劃、活動特色, 也呈現各校不同的聲音特色。但深究學生對校園音環境概念普遍缺乏,當詮釋音環境時多拆解字面音義,而論及音環境的感受及需求時,因察覺力不足也只能提供部 分音源,鮮少延伸思考,亟待提升學生對於校園音環境的覺察能力及積極態度的養成。 各校普遍較常聽見自然音、交通工具聲及儀器設備聲。喜愛的音源除自祭音源外,也包括熱鬧的活動聲及下課鐘聲,較不喜愛的則以儀器設備聲及交通工具聲為最 多,此外,當提及校園音環境需求時,學生則期望校園能持續保留自然音源,亦有增加學習聲及活動音的渴望。對於校園音環境的建議,多校學生除企盼自然音與校 園環境的適當配合外,也希望舉辦各式校園音環境之體驗活動、熱鬧的音樂會或表演活動,以增添校內更豐富的音源。 研究結果歸納出的反應面向,將可作為未來編製校園音環境問卷的參考,或成為相關實徵研究的基礎,日後彙整各大學校園音環境的現況與特色,亦可作為各建構校 園音環境特色、推展「校園綠色音環境」之參考,以發展學校本位之環境教育內涵。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the school sound environment awareness, attitude and demand among college students. The sample was selected 10 kinds of colleges that were from the 53 college populations. The cadres of student clubs were asked to join the focus groups in order to collect the data. Finally, there were ten times focus groups were held, and 93 students joined the group totally. By using the Nvivo software to analysis and codeing the text, the researcher found most college students have to no complete concept and awareness toward school sound environment. Besides this, most students had the expectancy that the school sound environment could combine with their school environment. All students of the sample also showed their ideal sound environment such as adding the natural sounds in the campus. The result showed the direction of the future research and could be the basis of the implicated study. It also can help school to promote the “school green sound environment” and to develop the education of school sound environment.大學生校園音環境焦點團體College studentsSchool sound environmentFocus group大學生校園音環境覺知、態度及需求之研究College Students' Awareness, Attitude and Demand Toward School Sound Environment