趙雨樂Chiu, Yu Lok2019-08-122019-08-122012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83848南宋建國以來,一直面對嚴峻的邊事威脅,為防止金人節節進逼,各種軍事防衛的思想應運而生。陳亮與葉適,素為學界研究南宋浙東學派的主流人物,二人重視現世社會建設的功利思想,於儒學內部的價值體系扮演了重要的批判角色。本文的討論重心,初步從哲學思維的學派分析,轉而集中於陳、葉的用兵方略,藉此探索事功派與南宋社會的真實聯繫。眾所周知,陳亮主張王霸並行之道,從南宋的戰爭地理作全盤的佈防考慮,於孝宗時期已然構思經略荊、襄等戰略路線。葉適繼承上述據江北進的防禦理念,同時憑藉個人在地方的轉運經驗,具體建立「瀕淮沿漢」的堡寨聯防據點,培養了軍事所需的地方經濟與作戰民力,達至守土衛國的成效。陳、葉的軍事思想,固非只守不攻的消極防衛,二人更用心於經營襄漢,聯絡江北及關洛之地,期望反守為攻的北伐目的早日實現。然而,隨著朝廷偏安的心態日濃,加上宋金議和既成,由陳亮至葉適孕育而來的軍事防禦思想,不免受到各樣政治限制,終究徘徊於理論與嘗試之間。The studies of the intellectuals in the eastern Zhejiang have been a long interest for scholars to explain the transformation of Confucianism to an applicable sense for the society in the Southern Song Dynasty. Despite the mere philosophical concerns about life and value inspired from the Confucian classics,philosophers of the School of Zhe Dong Shi Gong like Chen Liang and Yeh Shih tended to focus on the issues of military defence and political weakness in view of the invasion of Jin army. This paper serves as a preliminary study of Chen and Yeh with a special emphasis on their contributions to the military strategy which had been more or less adopted by the court in a time of emergency. Moreover, the relationship between Confucianism and Shi Gong School’s military ideas aswell as the effectiveness of these military defence proposals are also discussed in the paragraphs. It comes to the conclusion that the military defence thoughtoriginated from Chen Liang was widely developed by Yeh Shih in many practical situations but was inevitably limited after the Song-Jin peace agreements confirmed.南宋事功派荊襄漢堡寨Southern Song Feats sentJingxiang HanFortresses論南宋事功派的軍事防禦思想—以陳亮、葉適為研究對象The Military Defence Thought of Shi Gong School in the Southern Song Dynasty: Case Studies of Chen Liang and Yeh Shih