陳宇書盧秀琴2014-10-272014-10-272008-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6758本研究自2007年1月至2007年12月間,在陽明山國家公園大屯山樣區內,定期藉由穿越線調查法及GPS定位系統,調查大屯山地區野當歸的生長過程及分布位置,並利用目擊及捕網調查法,調查在野當歸生長過程中,停棲於野當歸上的昆蟲有哪些,並在最後歸納分析野當歸與昆蟲消長的關係。研究結果顯示:(1)大屯山野當歸生長過程與Zheng(2000)所描述野當歸的生長過程是相符合的。(2)大屯山野當歸分布以車道數量較多且大多數野當歸分布於山頂。(3)不同穿越線的野當歸,也會因為植物林相不同,影響昆蟲種類及數目的多寡。(4)在野當歸的生長過程中,調查到停棲於野當歸上的昆蟲共約113種。(5)研究發現野當歸生長過程會影響昆蟲數量的消長,特別是花期,野當歸大量開花,吸引更多的昆蟲來覓食;因此可知野當歸為昆蟲的蜜源植物。We investigated Angelica dahurica (Fisch.) Benth. & Hook. var. formosana (Boiss.) Yen by Transect Counts and Global Positioning System (GPS) once every week in Yangmingshan National Park Tatun mountains from January 2007 to December 2007. And we investigated the life cycle and distribution of Angelica dahurica; and further, we investigated the species of insects in the life cycle of Angelica dahurica. At last we analyzed the relation of insects and Angelica dahurica. The results showed that the life cycle of Angelica dahurica corresponded with the description by Zheng(2000). Angelica dahurica distributed affluently at the side of the traffic lane. The distribution of Angelica dahurica were crowded in summit. Angelica dahurica grew in different transect lines that the timber were abundant or sparse would influence the quantity and species of insects. Results showed that 113 species of insects were collected in the life cycle of Angelica dahurica. And the life cycle of Angelica dahurica could influence the quantity and species of insects. Particularly, it attracted many insects in anthesis. So, Angelica dahurica was nectar plant.野當歸穿越線調查法Angelica Dahurica (Fisch.)Benth. & hook. var. formosana (Boiss.) YenTransect counts陽明山國家公園大屯山野當歸的生長、分布、與昆蟲交互作用之研究The Study on the Growth, Distribution of Angelica Dahurica and Correlation with Insects in Yangmingshan National Park Tatun Mountain