許維素Hsu, Wei-Su沈孟筑Shen, Meng-Zhu2019-08-282015-06-152019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699010248%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90630本研究旨在了解焦點解決短期諮商(Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, SFBT)之諮商師引發當事人賦能之經驗,研究目的包括:(1)瞭解SFBT諮商師知覺賦能概念與SFBT之關係;(2)瞭解SFBT諮商師其諮商師角色和介入與賦能之關係;(3)瞭解SFBT技術引發當事人賦能之歷程;與(4)瞭解SFBT諮商師知覺諮商歷程中當事人賦能之經驗。以立意取樣邀請六位SFBT諮商師接受半結構式的深度訪談,並以SFBT取向對賦能概念的觀點為出發點,用質性研究中的主題分析法進行資料歸納與分析。 本研究之研究結果分為四部分: 一、SFBT為賦能導向之諮商取向:探討六位受訪者以焦SFBT介入時, SFBT的精神與賦能概念之關連,共六項內涵。 二、諮商師引發賦能之催化角色與介入: 呈現SFBT諮商師引發與催化當 事人賦能的角色與介入,共五項內涵。 三、SFBT技術引發當事人賦能歷程: 包含「SFBT整體技術引發賦能之歷 程」、與「SFBT各項特定技術引發賦能之歷程」。 四、當事人賦能之蛻變歷程: 呈現六位受訪諮商師知覺的賦能定義,以 及諮商歷程中當事人賦能前後之內外在改變 依據研究結果與文獻歸納出SFBT諮商師對賦能之定義內涵與當事人賦能結果和Zimmerman之心理賦能理論比較後,其獨特之處,並針對其賦能定義,連結SFBT諮商師角色介入內涵與賦能要素之間的關係,以及探討SFBT特定技術引發賦能之途徑,最後歸結SFBT為一引發賦能的歷程。 最後,研究者根據研究結果與討論,提出本研究之結論與研究限制,針對以SFBT介入之實務工作者如何引發當事人賦能提出建議,並提供對未來相關研究之建議。The purpose of current study is to understand counselors’ experience of eliciting clients’ empowerment through the use of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). The objectives of this study include: (a) exploring the relationship between SFBT counselors’ perceived concepts of empowerment and SFBT; (b) understanding the relationship between the SFBT counselors’ role and ways of intervening with clients’ empowerment; (c) understanding the process of eliciting client’s empowerment by using SFBT techniques, and (d) understanding SFBT counselors’ perceptions of clients’ experiences of empowerment during counseling process. A total of six participants were recruited through purposive sampling and snowball sampling and participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis was then used for data analysis and classification. The main conclusions were as follows, in four parts: (a) SFBT as an empowerment approach: with the six respondents using SFBT as intervention, the relationship between the essence of SFBT and concept of empowerment was explored through six facets; (b) Counselors’ role in eliciting clients’ empowerment: The role of SFBT counselors in eliciting and furthering clients’ empowerment was explored through five facets; (c) The process of counselors eliciting client’s empowerment by using SFBT techniques: The processes of counselors eliciting client’s empowerment by using overall SFBT approach, as well as counselors eliciting clients’ empowerment by using specific SFBT techniques are included; and (d) The clients’ transformative process through empowerment: clients’ internal and external changes prior to and following empowerment, including clients’ conditions prior to and following empowerment are presented. Based on study results and discussion, suggestions are provided to counselors using SFBT on how to elicit clients’ empowerment. Limitations of current study as well as suggested directions for future research are also included.焦點解決短期諮商賦能諮商師CounselorEmpowermentSolution-Focused Brief Therapy焦點解決短期諮商師引發當事人賦能經驗之研究Counselors’ Experiences Eliciting Clients’ Empowerment Through Solution Focused Brief Therapy