宋威德Sung, Wei-Te許恩愷Hsu, En-Kai2023-12-082023-06-282023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d13064892127240293b406c925e84f73/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121881低音單簧管具有廣闊的音域與獨特的表現力,在管弦樂團中經常擔任獨奏的 要角,其低沈淳厚的音色受到許多作曲家鍾愛。二十世紀低音單簧管被頻繁使用在 樂團中,並且開始有大量的作曲家為低音單簧管譜寫樂曲,使低音單簧管有更多精 彩絕倫的室內樂及獨奏作品。馬克‧埃謝內《為低音單簧管與鋼琴之奏鳴曲》效仿二十世紀法國單簧管作品 的風格,完成此低音單簧管奏鳴曲。筆者將對此作品深入研究,並進一步探究低音 單簧管技巧與詮釋。本論文共分為四個章節;第一章深入探討低音單簧管之樂器演變、記譜法與演 奏技巧。第二章將透過彙整作曲家生平與創作背景,闡述作曲家的創作手法。第三 章著重分析曲式架構、和聲動機與演奏詮釋。第四章為結論。期望藉由以上分析與研究,貼近作曲家對樂曲理想的風格呈現,更進一步提升 低音單簧管演奏能力。The bass clarinet has often played an important role as a solo instrument in contemporary music repertoire because of its wide range and unique tone quality. With its low and rich sound, bass clarinet has been favored by many composers; therefore many solo repertoire have been written. In the twentieth century bass clarinet was frequently played in orchestras and various chamber ensembles, and composers began to write music for it; hence many wonderful chamber and solo works are created.Marc Eychenne's 《Sonata for Bass Clarinet and Piano》was based on the compositional style of the 20th century French clarinet music. The purpose of this thesis is to display the beauty of the bass clarinet by discussing the basics of this composition, some performing techniques and personal interpretation. This thesis contains four chapters; the first chapter deliberates the history of bass clarinet and some modern performing techniques. The second chapter discusses Eychenne's approach for thiscomposition by presenting summary of his life and the style of his music. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the sonata by viewing the form structure, harmonic progression, and dynamic; moreover, some performing interpretation are provided. The last chapter is the conclusion of this thesis.It is hoped that this thesis will bring us closer to the knowledge of the bass clarinet by knowing this piece; therefore it would also enhances our performance abilities of the bass clarinet.馬克‧埃謝內低音單簧管奏鳴曲Marc EychenneBass ClarinetSonata馬克‧埃謝內《為低音單簧管與鋼琴之奏鳴曲》 之樂曲分析與詮釋The Analysis and Interpretation of Marc Eychenne's Sonata for Bass Clarinet and Pianoreport_art