蘇友珊Yu-Shan Su蔡承諺Cheng-Yen Tsai2019-09-042019-6-182019-09-042014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060170035H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98932近年來,行動通訊應用程式在世界上廣受歡迎,已成為每個人生活上不可或缺的產品。這些社群的成員除了軟體的使用外,也透過虛擬社群來達成溝通互動的作用。當行動通訊APP受到眾多手機用戶的青睞時,卻少有研究針對使用者效益進行討論。因此,本研究說明了是什麼因素對行動通訊APP使用者的效益形成影響。 本研究以資訊系統成功模式、社會影響作為理論基礎,旨在探討品質因素、社會因素對使用者效益的影響。本研究使用調查研究法,以行動通訊APP使用者為主要研究對象,並於MySurvey平台及紙本方式來蒐集樣本。共回收387份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為86.2%。利用結構方程模式來驗證假說內容,以SPSS20.0及AMOS21.0為本研究應用分析工具。主要研究結果概述如下:(1) 資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質皆會正向顯著影響使用滿意度與使用意圖;(2) 主觀規範、關鍵多數皆會正向顯著影響使用意圖;(3) 使用滿意度會正向顯著影響使用意圖與使用者效益;(4) 使用意圖會正向顯著影響使用者效益;(5) 研究結果同時也發現,系統品質、服務品質為二個影響行動通訊APP使用者效益的重要因素。In recent years, mobile communication application is gradually popularity in the world. It has already been indispensable essentials of everyone’s life. The members of these communities not only use software, but also communicate to each other in virtual communities. When mobile communication application is generally favored by mobile users, there are few researchers that discuss user benefit. Therefore, this study aims to explicate the effect of factors on user benefits in mobile communication application. Based on information system success theory and social influence, the purpose of this study is explores the relationship of quality factors, social factors and user benefits. Using the survey methodology, we collected 387 valid questionnaires from mobile communication users with mySurvey platform and paper questionnaires. The response rate was 86.2%. The structural equation models (SEM) were used to test the proposed hypotheses. The SPSS and AMOS software were applied as the analyzing tool in this study. The major findings of this study are summarized as following: (1) Information quality, system quality, and service quality all have significant and positive effect on user satisfaction and user intention; (2) Both of social norms and critical mass have a significant and positive effect on user intention; (3) User satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on user intention and user benefit; (4) User intention has a significant and positive effect on user benefit; (5) Our finding also shows that system quality and service quality are two factors that affects user benefits of mobile communication application.行動通訊APP資訊系統成功模式主觀規範關鍵多數使用者效益Mobile Communication ApplicationInformation System Success ModelSocial NormsCritical MassUser Benefits影響行動通訊APP使用者效益因素之研究