溫明麗博士李詠絮2019-08-282005-1-62019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90363本研究主要在了解線上遊戲所形構的青少年文化與非線上遊戲文化之間如何產生辯證,並相互融合而成當代青少年線上遊戲文化。首先,隨著網絡社會的興起,網際網路造成溝通形式的變革,使線上遊成為青少年休閒活動之一。該活動促使虛擬社群的形成,透過生活經驗的分享與自我角色的探索,開展出線上遊戲文化。再者,遊戲是一種具有自由且具自主性的活動,競賽則隱含了驅使者為了競爭而去遊戲的意涵。而消費社會中,網縩網路則打破了遊戲的疆界,轉而變成日常生活的活動。線上遊戲打破以往遊戲必須在特定時間、特定範圍進行的形式,而變成是一種隨時可以從事的活動。 研究結果發現,線上遊戲文化具有三項特質:第一,它是娛樂性和嚴肅性兼具的活動;第二,它是一種從有限性發展至無限性的過程;第三,它具備由虛擬轉化至真實的能力,故教育應透過批判性思考將這種文化特質轉化成為文化創新的動力,促使e化教學的內容與方式更為豐富,也更具互動性。The main purpose of this study is to understand how dialectical development between on-line and non-on-line-game culture for adolescent, and constitutes parts of current culture nowadays. With network society rising, the way of communication has been changed, and teenagers’ activity has been transformed into virtual world. When teenagers play on-line games, it constitutes the virtual community. Through sharing experiences and self-exploring, the teenagers form their sub-culture in the virtual world via on-line games. Moreover, game-playing is defined as a free and voluntary activity, whereas a game usually includes competitions, which forced players to play rather than playing autonomously. However, consumer for a society, the internet destroys the scope of game-playing, and then turn it into an activity of daily life. The on-line game extends the time and space of playing to the time and space what you like to do. As a result, on-line game culture has three characters: first, it is both amusing and serious activity. Second, it is a process from limited to limitless. Third, it has a function of becoming from fiction to reality. So education with critical thinking should become this transformative force for the innovation of culture. It is in this way the contents and methods of e-learning become more profound and exciting than before.線上遊戲文化遊戲e化學習批判性思考on-line game cultureplaye-learningcritical thinking穿越虛擬與真實:青少年線上遊戲文化之形塑與對e化教學的啟示