蘇憲法Su, Hsien-Fa林美珠Lin, Mei-Chu2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002603104%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114341「自然與心象」創作研究是希望透過繪畫的表現,呈現個人經歷最深刻,無法用言語形容的美好或瞬間靈感創作的喜悅,自然不只是花草、樹木、山川、河岳,而是可以在任何的地方,包括自然景觀的一景一物、一草一木,生活周遭、或旅遊經驗,在平凡中確有不平凡的存在。本文以自然為師,取物象之形,造心中之象。 本系列創作是以具象繪畫為主要表現方式,透過旅行尋找生命的意義與價值,記錄與萃取自然萬物中隱藏的可視與不可視的世界。並藉由現代主義繪畫之啟發,經由心靈觀想,將腦海中的影像浮現,幻想與創造相互融合所產生的圖像。The research of my works “Nature& Mind” is trying to express my personal feelings, which is beyond the description of words, toward the prettiness and the joy that has sparkled when I was painting. For me, the nature is not only about the trees, flowers, mountains and rivers, but also every detail in my sight. Those details and the experiences of life or travel have their extraordinary meanings to me even they seem to be normal. I learned from the nature, and captured the forms of it to build the image of my mind. This seriesof works are expressed in a way of figurative painting. I tried to find the value and the meaning of life through travel, and to record the invisible world hidden behind the visible nature. I was inspired by the modernism. Therefore I use my mind to look into the image floating in the sea of my brain, and then paint the images created by the mind and the imagination.心象自然具象mindnaturefigurative「自然‧心象」繪畫創作研究A Study of "Nature and Mind"