林正常Lin, Jung-charng蔡雅琴Tsai,Ya-chin2019-09-052006-6-132019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592041014%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105290本研究主要探討10週瑜珈體位法對國中生身體意象之影響。以80名國中學生為研究對象,並以身體意象問卷前測成績依性別隨機分配在實驗組、控制組共四組,每組各20名。控制組實施體育課活動,實驗組則實施瑜珈訓練,實施頻率每週二次、一次一小時,共10週20小時。訓練前後之身體意象的八個分量表問卷為:「外表重視程度」、「外表自我評估」、「體能重視程度」、「體能自我評估」、「健康重視程度」、「健康自我評估」、「體重自我評估」及「體重重視程度」等八個向度。所得資料以三因子變異數分析,顯著水準訂為α=.05。重要結果如下: 一、10週訓練後實驗組前後測身體意象各分量表上整體得分在「外表自我評估」、「體能自我評估」及「健康自我評估」,後測顯著高於前測(p<.05);在「外表重視程度」及「體重重視程度」後測顯著低於前測(p<.05)。顯示瑜珈課有助於對身體意象的提昇。控制組前後測在身體意象各分量表上整體得分無顯著差異顯示一般體育課較難提昇身體意象。 二、實驗組在「外表自我評估」及「體能自我評估」實驗組顯著高於控制組 (p<.05);在「外表重視程度」及「體重重視程度」實驗組顯著低於控制組(p<.05);證明本研究實施之瑜珈課程比一般體育課對身體意象增進較具成效。 三、男、女生身體意象之差異,在「外表自我評估」方面男生顯著高於女生 (p<.05);在「外表重視程度」、「體重自我評估」及「體重重視程度」方面男生顯著低於女生(p<.05)。 本研究顯示瑜珈體位法介入有助於身體意象的提昇,對於青少男生比青少女生更有積極、正面的影響。建議國中體育課教學將瑜珈運動列入教材,以作為面對青春期因生長發育所帶來的身體變化,提供一個很好選擇及參考。 關鍵詞:瑜珈、體位法、身體意象This research investigated the effect of 10-week Yoga Asana upon the body image of junior high students. Based on 80 junior high students’ initial scores of the body image questionnaire, the students were randomly distributed by sex into 4 groups of Yoga Asana group (YTG) and physical education groups (PEG), each consists of 20 members. The PEG carried out regular PE class, while YTG received Yoga Asana training, once an hour and twice a week, 20 hours within 10 weeks as a whole. The pre- and post training scores of the perspective body image included appearance emphasis degree, self outward appearance evaluation, weight emphasis degree, self fitness evaluation, health emphasis degree, self health evaluation, self weight evaluation, and fitness emphasis evaluation. The data was analyzed by three-way ANOVA and the significant level was set at α of .05. The results were shown as follows: 1. After 10-week training, scores of self outward appearance evaluation, self fitness evaluation, and self health evaluation of YTG were significantly improved while significantly lower score of appearance emphasis degree and weight emphasis degree was derived. This evidence showed that YTG was helpful to improve self body image. On the other hand, as to PEG, no significant differences were found. It proved that PE class was unable to improve student’s body image. 2. Scores of self outward appearance evaluation and fitness emphasis degree of YTG were significantly higher than that of PEG. And on the aspects of appearance emphasis degree and fitness emphasis degree, the YTG was significantly lower than PEG. It showed Yoga Asana course effectively promoted the self body image. 3. The boys revealed much higher score on self outward appearance evaluation than the girls and exhibited lower appearance emphasis degree, self weight evaluation, and weight emphasis degree than the girls. The research concluded that Yoga Asana is a proper means to improve body image; especially to bring positive influence on adolescent boys than girls. Since Yaga Asana is possible to offers a great option for junior high students in school system, the inclusion of Yaga Asana into school PE class is strongly suggested. Key words:Yoga、Asana、Body Image瑜珈體位法身體意象YogaAsanaBody Image瑜珈體位法對國中生身體意象之影響Effect of Yoga Asana upon Adolescent Body Image