黃富順Fu-Shun Huang羅暐茹Wei-Ju Lo2019-08-292011-6-242019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697020017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92449本研究旨在探討靈性教育方案對高齡者靈性健康的影響,以行動研究進行六週共計六次12小時的靈性教育方案的教學,研究結論為: 一、在高齡者靈性教育方案內容 (一)以過去、現在、未來作為時間軸,將靈性健康之內涵融入於其中 (二)靈性教育方案內容,包括生命回顧、歡樂情深、創造生命潛能無限、信仰你我他、團圓、回憶抽屜等六個單元活動,皆適用於高齡者靈性教育方案 (三)與「宗教寄託」相關之方案內容在實施上有其困難性 (四)主題活動設計令高齡者充滿新鮮感與趣味性 (五)以「現在→過去→現在→未來」為時間軸發展順序,學員能循序漸進的檢視自己 二、在靈性教育實施方式,可包括生命敘事、藝術繪畫、律動舞蹈、即興創作、音樂、冥想等六種方式 (一)生命敘事、藝術繪畫、律動舞蹈、即興創作、音樂、冥想等六種方式皆適用於靈性教育中 (二)實施方式可在活動內容中相互交流運用,以此概念發展更多元之活動方式 (三)將六種實施方式融入於團體活動中,善用團體動力,促進學員之間的互動交流 (四)暖身活動以遊戲方式帶入,能暖「身」也暖「心」 (五)善用方法營造溫馨與正向的學習氣氛 三、靈性教育方案的實施對高齡者靈性健康有顯著影響 根據上述結論,研究者提出以下建議: 一、對擔任高齡者教學教師的建議 (一)實施靈性教育方案,以提升高齡者靈性健康 (二)將既有課程結合生命敘說及懷舊回顧,以提升高齡者的靈性健康 (三)積極參與靈性健康相關研習,以充實靈性健康相關專業知識及領導與對話的技巧 (四)善用團體動力,以生命敘事、藝術繪畫、律動舞蹈、即興創作、音樂、冥想等方式,帶領學員個體,以增進其靈性健康 二、對高齡教育機構及政府機關的建議 (一)高齡教育機構開設靈性健康或心靈成長相關課程 (二)高齡教育機構與大學院校相關系所合作辦理靈性教育研習活動 (三)政府機關應建立靈性教育相關指導諮詢服務 三、對高齡者的建議 (一)積極參與相關靈性教育方案,提升靈性健康 (二)尋求多元學習管道,提升自我靈性健康 四、對未來研究的建議 (一)方案實施時間與內容設計可延長為十二周 (二)運用準實驗法進行一般課程與靈性教育方案對靈性健康影響情形之比較 (三)針對不同地區的高齡者實施靈性教育方案之研究 (四)以團隊形式進行靈性教育方案的研究The theme of the study is to explore the effects that Spiritual Education Program has on the elderly spiritual health. Through a series of active research for 6 weeks, with 6 sessions and a total of 12 hours, the conclusion of the research application is outlined as follows. 1. The contents of spiritual education program for the elderly: (1)Using the past, present and future as a timeline, and apply to it, the intentions of spiritual health. (2)The contents of spiritual education includes “life review”, “happy sharing”, “encourage the individual potential to enrich one’s life”, “believe in one’s mind”, “reunion” and “collection of memories”. These six activities are all suitable for the elderly to participate in the spiritual education program. (3)There were certain difficulties with the actual application of “Religious faith” (4)The elderly feel refreshed and interested in subject activities. (5)The elderly can examine themselves step by step, through a periodical development order of “Present→ Past→Present→Future.” 2. The ways to implement spiritual education include life narrative, arts, dance movement, music and meditation. (1)The ways of life narrative, arts, dance movement, music and meditation all apply to spiritual education. (2)Using different ways of implementation to develop diverse teaching activities. (3)Making use of group dynamics to encourage interaction of the elderly. (4)Using warm-up games as activities to help the elderly warm-up physically and mentally. (5)Making use of different suitable methods to build a warm and positive atmosphere of learning. 3. The implementation of Spiritual Education Program has had a significant impact on the elderly. According to the above conclusions, this research also provides suggestions which are outlined as follow: 1. Suggestions for teacher of the elderly: (1)Implement spiritual education program to advance spiritual health of the elderly. (2)Combine courses with life narrative and life review to advance spiritual health of the elderly. (3)The teacher should actively attend conferences or workshops to enrich professional spiritual knowledge, guidance and conversational skills. (4)Use the way of life narrative, arts, dance movement, music and meditation with group dynamic to advance individual spiritual health. 2. Suggestions for senior education organizations and government office: (1)Senior education organizations should offer spiritual health or mind enrichment courses. (2)Senior education organizations should cooperate with universities to hold workshops of spiritual education. (3)Government office should offer counseling services about spiritual education. 3. Suggestions for the elderly: (1)Attend spiritual education program to advance spiritual health. (2)Find diverse learning ways to advance individual spiritual health. 4. Suggestions for further research: (1)Extend the implemented program to be a 12 weeks schedule. (2)Using quasi-experimental design to understand the impact that spiritual education program has on spiritual health. (3)Select elderly from a wide variety of regions to do this topic. (4)Form a research group to study spiritual education programs.高齡者靈性健康靈性教育the elderlyspiritual healthspiritual education靈性教育方案對高齡者靈性健康影響之研究A Study on the Effects that Spiritual Education Program has on the Elderly Spiritual Health