溫明麗Wen,Ming-Lee樓培麟Lou,Pei-Lin2019-08-282005-6-32019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G000000PGSU%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89410本研究目的在探討國防文官之晉用現況及其教育訓練,以落實國防二法文人領軍政策。質言之,落實文人領軍有賴國防文官的晉用與教育訓練。 為達此目的,本研究首先探討國防二法與文人領軍之內涵與關係,其次分析國防文官的晉用與教育訓練之現況,並進行現況的省思,最後提出未來教育訓練方向及其內涵規劃之參考。同時,本論文亦論述國防文官之教育訓練需要融入批判性思考的理念和方法,俾有助於深化國防文官之知能,並可提昇國防文官融合專業職能與核心職能之轉化能力;更甚者,批判性思考能力所強調之自主性和和諧性對於國防文官長留久任與其對組織的認同感亦展現強化功能。 本論文之研究方法主要為文獻分析,含內容和文件之分析、詮釋和批判,包括國防二法、現行國防文官基礎、專業與交織戰略教育等實施內容,並詮釋教育與訓練的本質和內涵,作為檢視國防文官教育訓練現況之依據,且確立國防文官教育訓練除了需要針對特殊性、短期性、具體性之訓練外,也需要人文性、長期性、通識性(統整性)的教育,故本論文提出,國防文官教育訓練之規劃需要配合公務人員終身學習護照建立完整體系;更需要建立教育訓練的評鑑指標,切實評估現行課程,期更嚴謹的、有系統的進行課程的規劃和實施。This paper focuses on discuss the current practices of recruit, education, and training on the civil officials in the Ministry of National Defense, Republic of China. The author intends to study the outcome of the practice of the Two Defense Acts, especially in terms of civilian control of the military. Inherently, the outcome of civilian control of the military is contingent on the system and practice of recruit, education, and training on the civil official. This paper first discusses the content and relationship of the Two Defense Acts and civilian control of the military. Secondly, the current practice of recruit, education, and training is analyzed and reflected. Further, some policy recommendations are suggested. This paper also points out that the current practice needs infusion of critical thinking in its philosophy and methodology. This can help civil officials to enhance their professional knowledge and conversion capacity of technical competency and core competency through training and education. In addition, critical thinking highlights self-independence and harmony and these two properties can help civil officials enhance their position adherence and organizational identity. The major methodology employed relies on literature review. Two Defense Acts, the current civil official system, basic training, and personnel exchange strategy education are discussed, analyzed, interpreted, and criticized. These efforts attempt to inquest the current practice of education and training on civil official. Meanwhile, these efforts confirm that the current practice needs to focus on special, short-term, and ad-hoc training. The current education practice also demands education to incorporate elements like humanities, regular practice, and liberal arts (integration). This paper concludes that the current practice and planning of education and training on the civil official need to be integrated with Civil Servant Life-long Learning Passport. A constructive evaluation index system should be established, and it should be urged to concrete and systematic implement on the course planning and implementation.國防文官教育訓練國防二法文人領軍批判性思考Civil OfficialEducation and TrainingTwo Defense ActsCivilian Control of The MilitaryCritical Thinking我國國防文官晉用現況及其教育訓練之研究A Study on Recruit, Education, and Training on the Civil Official in ROC