林儷蓉Lin, Li-Jung金有利Kim, Yuri2019-09-052016-11-222019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060331004A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107297臺灣遊客赴日本運動觀光的風氣日趨盛行,尤其冬季赴日本滑雪人口明顯成長。由於臺灣位於亞熱帶,滑雪運動一定得出國的情況下,許多旅行社開始提供滑雪套裝行程。雖然滑雪遊客越來越多,但是目前在臺灣滑雪套裝行程的相關研究卻很少。故本研究之主要目的為分析赴日本參與滑雪套裝行程遊客之滿意度。研究方法採用問卷調查,以立意抽訪方式進行臺灣滑雪遊客的滿意度調查,並於2016年1月9日至3月31日間進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷397份,以SPSS22.0版進行描述性統計、單因子變異分析等以瞭解遊客特性及滿意度之關係。本研究發現參與滑雪套裝行程的遊客以年齡層31到50歲之間,教育程度大學以上,沒有子女的已婚者,個人月收入8萬以上的人最多;整體遊客對於滑雪套裝行程的滿意度構面由高至低分別為殷勤好客、服務、實質商品、自由選擇,以及涉入程度。另外不同的遊客特性對於不同的構面品質滿意度有差異,尤其是遊客的職業類別、教育程度、滑雪次數等因素影響為最。本研究建議針對臺灣滑雪遊客的滑雪套裝行程應加強滑雪教練與教學品質,並儘可能提供多樣化且具差異性的滑雪行程商品,給不同經驗程度的滑雪遊客自由選擇,以滿足個別需求。Recently there has been an increase in the amount of Taiwanese tourists vacating in Japan, especially for the purpose of skiing during winter. Since Taiwan is located in a semi-tropical region, skiing is almost impossible without travelling abroad, thus many travel agencies have taken this opportunity to begin offering ski package tours, targeting this growing market. Although there is a definite increase in tourists choosing these new package tours, we still do not see much market research regarding this new market. The purpose of this research is to gather information on the level of customer satisfaction. Information from this research was gathered by random surveys answered by Taiwanese tourists, who have travelled to Japan for the purpose of skiing, between 9th Jan-31st March, 2016. In total, 397 surveys were collected, using SPSS Ver.22 to analyze the relationship between the levels of satisfaction and the personal characteristics of the tourists. Through this research it was gathered that a majority of the those surveyed had the following characteristics: aged between 31-50,university graduate or higher, married but did not have kids, personal monthly income of 80,000 or more. In addition, many revealed that they had been skiing before, on average 2 times or more.The survey also revealed what the tourists nominated to have the highest satisfactory rate to the lowest regarding the tours: hospitality, service, physical plant, free of choice, and involvement. However, the varying characteristics of the tourists also reflected on the results of the survey. The main characteristics which had the most significant effect on the satisfactory rate included; profession, education level and previous skiing experience. The research suggests that in order to increase customer satisfaction, Japanese skiing tour should enhance coaching quality and offer a wider selection for tourists with varying skiing experience.滑雪運動運動觀光套裝行程滿意度SkiSports TourismPackage TourSatisfaction臺灣遊客對日本滑雪套裝行程的滿意度分析:以臺灣某旅行社為例A case study of Taiwan tourist’s satisfaction to the ski package tour in Japan