國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所陳昭珍2015-07-032015-07-032010/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73332數位圖像檔案與詮釋資料在數位典藏的應用中,是密不可分的兩個很重要的元素,然 而,目前在數位物件管理系統中,詮釋資料與數位檔案本身卻是獨立存在的,交換或傳 遞時,詮釋資料及數位物件也都分開處理,因此造成許多應用上的困擾。本研究擬探討 將內容屬性詮釋資料內嵌在數位物件的可行性,並透過內嵌詮釋資料的應用技術,來發 展數位典藏應用系統的詮釋資料儲存與交換方法,使檔案的詮釋資訊與檔案本身結合, 以利進行相關的資訊擴充與控制,及後續的交換及長久典藏。本研究也將實際規劃 Embedded Metadata Framework (EMF)雛型架構,並探討應用上可能遇到的困難點與瓶 頸,供其他數位典藏應用系統設計發展之參考。Digital image and metadata are two critical functionally-related components in their applications in digital archiving and management. However, such applications have proven to be relatively difficult, since metadata and digital image are independent. In order to combine metadata in image, this research attempts to store and exchange image with related embedded metadata. A structure of Embedded Metadata Framework (EMF) is planned as a reference platform for development of embedded metadata in the digital library system. Finally, we also point out hurdles to be overcome in such applications for the future researches.內嵌式詮釋資料Embedded Metadata技術性詮釋資料檔案屬性數位保存數位典藏Adobe XMPEmbedded MetadataTechnical MetadataFile PropertiesDigital PreservationDigital ArchiveAdobe XMP數位圖檔嵌入詮釋資料之研究Research on Embedded Metadata for Images