李君毅Lee, Chun-Yi蕭博駿Hsiao, Po-Chun2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060260018T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114633筆者採取東方佛教題材做為創作之來源,將日常所見到的流行、時尚元素融入宗教元素中,藉由詼諧趣味的表現手法與宗教的莊嚴感,帶出兩者間的衝突與差異性。筆者創作都與宗教中壯觀的古代佛教壁畫、造像在語言風格、精神追求乃至藝術趣味、美學意境等方面有著這樣那樣、或多或少,至深至淺所有的關連與共鳴,在在反映出人們對於宗教虔誠的精神崇拜所造成的偉大奇觀,經由觀看與膜拜的實踐過程,最終達到精神性的心靈滿足。佛經上說「實相無相」,故此佛不立相;但佛教又稱為「像教」,意謂「以形像教人」,這便為世人留下數不盡的佛教藝術遺產,讓我們得以從中探究、體會那永恆的主題-對色相的覺悟及其所包含的智慧。The topic of my thesis and my creations focus on the Buddhist culture. I tried to allow current pop-culture and stylish elements mix with the Buddhist culture. It let my creations have some funny expressions and some contradictions. My inspiration comes from the Chinese Cave paintings of Buddhism. They show that everlasting religious beliefs have existed in human minds for thousands of years. Worship also is a way that leads to the highest level of peace in human minds. ln conclusion, my creations and inspirations are similar to what Buddhist scriptures say: “The entity has no shape, but it also shows us the image.” This blurry description will lead me to know how wonderful intelligence and wisdom are. l hope my creations can also lead viewers to understand this realization.敦煌消費文化當代水墨法蘭克福學派後現代主義Dun-huangfashionwindowconsumer culturecontemporary inkFrankfurt schoolpostmodernism菩提剋思─蕭博駿彩墨創作研究BOUTIQUES: Ink and Colour Painting Creation by Hsiao Po-Chun