王維菁李嘉霖2019-08-282018-1-232019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698370160%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85252置入性行銷為近幾年熱門的行銷手法,散見於電視、廣播、網路以及報紙媒體中,其爭議之處在於與廣告主有對價關係而未告知。 本研究透過分析台灣報業發展歷程以及深訪報紙媒體的新聞從業人員,了解報紙商業置入興盛的背景與原因,以及報紙商業置入的興盛對於新聞從業人員的新聞專業與新聞生產產生哪些面向的影響,期望能對改善報紙商業置入提出相關建議。 研究發現,近幾年傳統報業在電子媒體競爭下,閱報率與廣告量大幅下滑,廣告收入銳減;另一方面,因應媒體環境變化,媒體集中購買制度產生,也使報業失去廣告議價權;最後是報紙在報禁解除、出版法廢除後,無相關法條能規範商業置入,因此,雖然報紙商業置入與電子媒體一樣具有爭議性,由於報紙媒體無法令規範,也讓報業及廣告主有機可乘。 報紙商業置入興盛,最直接影響的是新聞從業人員的新聞專業與新聞生產,本論文將其影響性分為三個層面,第一為報紙商業置入對於新聞從業人員個人的影響:包括地方報與專業報更重視記者的業務能力而非新聞專業能力、年資較淺的記者對於置入的接受度較高、資深記者較容易被報社要求向廣告主爭取置入預算、置入性行銷對新聞從業人員勞動條件的傷害、長期的商業置入新聞恐造成新聞從業人員專業能力的退化;第二個層面為報紙商業置入對於報紙內容以及版面的影響:包括廣告主可直接影響新聞產製、編輯部新聞自主權大減、具有新聞價值的報導遭到排擠、一般專題報導常被業務部要求附加置入報導、廣告主一次購買多家報紙置入;第三個層面為報紙商業置入對於整體報業的影響:包括監督功能與獨立角色不再、中國政府置入使報業在中國相關資訊流通功能不彰。 而為了改善報紙商業置入對於新聞專業的影響,本論文也提出以下建議,首先必須重新納入國家規範力量,將報紙商業置入列為廣告類型的一種,並訂定廣告法加以規範,另外,更長期的目標則是以法律協助報業建立共同的自律機制平台,並納入公民團體力量,共同以自律、他律以及法律三個層面改善報紙商業置入。Placement marketing has been popular in broadcasting, internet and press media for a long time. The dispute about placement marketing is the unrevealed consideration relationship between advertiser and Newspaper company. This research aimed at realizing the background and reasons of newspaper placement marketing, and its impact on the profession and production of news by analyzing the history of Taiwan newspaper industry and interviewing newspaper reporters. In the end, to provide some advices to improve placement marketing in newspaper. This research found that readership of newspaper and advertisement amount decreased because of TV broadcasting, which leads to the shrinking of their advertising revenue. Besides, as media environment change, press lost the right to negotiate advertisement price because of the appearing of media concentrated buying system. In the end, after abolishing press prohibition and the law of publishing, there is no effective regulation to manage newspaper placement marketing. Therefore, the press and the advertisers take the advantage of it. The prevalence of placement marketing in newspaper directly impacts the profession and producing of news, this research found three aspects of influence. First aspect of the influence on journalist: professional and local newspapers request more on sales abilities of their journalists, young journalists are more likely to accept newspaper placement marketing, senior journalists have more pressure from newspaper company to ask enterprises for placement marketing budgets, the employment package of journalists are influenced by placement marketing, long period of newspaper placement marketing may bring negative effects on journalists’ profession. Second aspect of influence on content of newspaper: advertisers often influence the content of news, the decline of editorial autonomy, valuable news are crowed out by placement marketing, feature reports are often used for placement purpose by sales, advertisers buy too many placement marketing reports. Third aspect of influence on press: the function of supervision failed, public’s incomplete comprehension about China due to China government placement marketing. In order to improve the problems of newspaper placement marketing, this research provides some advices: firstly, government must regain regulation, regard newspaper placement marketing as a method of advertising, then drive to institute“advertisement law” to regulate newspaper placement marketing. Secondly,government helps the press to rebuild self-regulation platform. Besides, civil society should also be involved. To improve the problems of newspaper placement marketing,self-regulation, civil society, legislation should operate together.商業置入性行銷新聞專業台灣報業新聞廣告化Placement marketingJournalistic professionTaiwan pressaditorial台灣報紙商業置入性行銷研究