周賢彬戴琦恩2019-09-052015-8-32019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596631117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103311摘要 幾何圖形常見於人類日常生活。以設計領域來說,從產品造型、視覺傳達、空間設計、乃至幾何動畫,都可看見幾何圖形的存在和應用。從基本的點、線、面的圖形構成概念,一直發展至今日的數位影像設計時代,「幾何圖形」持續的扮演重要角色,是藝術創作中不可或缺的元素。 早在新石器時代,幾何紋飾便在彩陶上大量使用。觀察近代許多設計思潮或風格,也都是從幾何圖形開始,趨變於複雜之後又再轉變成幾何圖形,一直不斷的循環。研究者認為其中有兩項重要的原則,影響著幾何圖形設計觀點: 1.美的形式原理 2.色彩學 有不少受幾何圖形影響的藝術風格;如立體主義、風格派、抽象表現主義、歐普藝術等。這些藝術的代表人物影響後世甚鉅,世界許多知名的品牌設計也喜歡這樣的設計風格。究竟幾何圖形為何影響這個世界這麼深遠,值得我們研究。 希望透過本研究能讓更多人了解幾何圖形對產品設計的重要性。並針對幾何圖形在設計史上的構成發展、構成元素特質與收集的資料進行分析整理。從符合現代消費者視覺美感需求的觀點,並以大眾流行文化為出發點,作為本研究幾何圖形時鐘底紋設計之參考依據。本研究創作主題將幾何圖形應用在時鐘底紋設計。期使時鐘不只是單純作為人們看時間的工具而已,還可以是令人賞心悅目的室內裝飾藝術品。主創作分為五個風格,另有延伸風格及其他應用產品。 關鍵詞:幾何圖形、品牌設計、美的形式原理Abstract Geometric figure, the popular basic shape can be seen everywhere in our daily life. In a variety of design fields ranging from product design, visual communication design, space design and geometrical animation, Geometry figure is widely utilized. Also it is a necessary element of art work creating, as well as an important role of visual art, from the beginning in the original concept of drawing figures to the age of digital design images. In the Neolithic age, Geometric figures were widely used in colored pottery culture. As time goes on, geometric figures become complicated art design, and then design would return to geometric form; simple geometric figures and complicated forms revolve constantly. However, there are still two principles of constructing painting: 1. The Principle of Aesthetic Patterns, 2. Chromatics. Geometric figure has great influence in our world as wellas art style, such as Cubism, De Stiji, Op Art. The artists of these variety art styles even have enormous impact on many celebrated fashion brands. Therefore, we could not leave geometric figure out of consideration while discussing art. However, presenting the importance of geometric figure to the audiences is the object of this description. Furthermore, through reviewing the development of geometric figure in design history, and analyzing the elements of geometric drawing, the researcher would represent geometric figure in work from the view point of consumers and pop culture. Keywords: Geometric figure, Brand design, the Principle of aesthetic patterns幾何圖形品牌設計美的形式原理Geometric figureBrand designthe Principle of aesthetic patterns幾何圖形應用在掛鐘底紋設計表現的研究A Study of Geometric Figure on Pattern Design for Clock