游美貴Yu, Mei-Kuei羅珮均Luo, Pey-Jiun2019-08-282018-08-272019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060389009I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85994回首過往台灣之發展歷程,不難發現台灣從過往接受他國援助的受助國角色逐漸蛻變為有能力提供協助的資助國。這之中不乏以社會工作專業方法於海外推展服務的組織,然而國際社會工作一詞在台灣仍相對陌生,且相關文獻與論述十分稀少,但國際社會工作在國際上實已發展逾70年。又在全球化浪潮下,因國際壓力或事件而興起並衍生許多待處理之國際議題。上述種種更突顯國際社會工作之重要性。 本研究以立意取樣邀請到六位曾經或現於台灣非政府組織之海外服務據點工作一年以上的台灣社會工作者,透過深度訪談來看見每一位豐富的生命故事。 透過了解台灣社會工作者參與國際社會工作之經驗,本研究發現六位受訪者多認為這段經驗對其影響甚鉅。從服務中與各方工作的點點滴滴,抑或是在異國所接受到的困境與挑戰,都是相當珍貴而不可多得的經驗。而從其經驗中出發看見台灣在國際社會工作發展雖尚處於起步階段,卻仍存有發展上的優勢及劣勢。再根據此提出教育、實務及政策等面向上推展國際社會工作之建議。Looking back at the history of development in Taiwan, it’s obvious to see the shift in Taiwan’s role, from a recipient country to a country which is able to provide aid. There are various kinds of Non-Governmental Organizations in Taiwan that supply aid overseas, of which working through implementing social work methods are included. However, people in Taiwan are still not familiar with what international social work is; articles and discourses which are related to international social work are not abundant in Taiwan either. As a matter of fact, international social work has been developed and discussed internationally for over 80 years. In addition, in the tide of globalization, more and more social problems stemming from international pressures and events need to be addressed. All the above manifest the significance of international social work. This study used purposive sampling to invite six Taiwanese social workers who have been working in overseas branches established by the Non-Governmental Organizations in Taiwan for over a year. Through conducting in-depth interviews, we are able to grasp all the research participants’ plentiful life stories. The research has found that most of the participants think their experiences are extremely meaningful in their lives. All the details of working with different people or departments, and the obstacles or challenges that they confronted in foreign countries are incredibly precious and rare. Furthermore, the result of the research demonstrates that international social work in Taiwan is still in an early stage while it possesses its own strengths and weakness. Accordingly, the study also provides suggestions regarding social work education, practice, policy and so on.國際社會工作非政府組織社會工作者International social workNon-Governmental OrganizationSocial worker台灣社會工作者參與國際社會工作經驗之研究Research on Taiwanese Social Workers’ Experiences of International Social Work