鄧毓浩DENG,YU-HAO汪以竣WANG,YI-CHUN2019-08-282014-7-242019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697070256%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88634本研究之目的,為設計出適合國中學生進行之綜合活動學習領域節能減碳課程模組。研究對象為研究者所服務之國中七年級學生,採不等組前後測準實驗教學,藉由分析研究對象節能減碳素養前後測差異,以探討綜合領域節能減碳課程模組之教學成效。 本研究先建構節能減碳教學架構,將節能減碳素養分成認知、態度與行為三個子變項,再發展節能減碳問卷與課程模組。問卷方面,初稿擬定後邀請專家召開焦點座談,再進行預試修訂而成;課程模組則由研究者擬訂初稿,並與研究團隊進行試教,參考學生回饋與意見修正而成。 研究分組採方便取樣以七年級4個班為實驗組、3個班為對照組,進行不等組前後測準實驗教學,以變異數分析、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析與共變數分析等,探討課程模組之教學成效,以提供後續節能減碳教育研究參考。 研究發現如下: 1.國中學生節能減碳素養具有一定的基礎。 2.研究對象之性別、家庭社經地位與節能減碳認知、態度與行為無顯著相關。 3.研究對象之節能減碳認知、態度與行為彼此達不等程度之顯著正相關。 4.研究對象之節能減碳態度對節能減碳行為有顯著的預測力。 5.節能減碳教學介入後,能有效提升實驗組節能減碳認知、態度與行為,且顯著優於對照組。The purpose of this study is to design an energy conservation and carbon reduction (ECCR) teaching module which suitable for junior high school student in integrative activity learning area. The object of study is a group of seven grade student in the junior high school, which the researcher had worked in. The method of the research is nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest comparison of quasi-experimental design. By analyzing the differences of pretest and posttest in ECCR literacy, we investigate the effect of the integrative activity learning area ECCR teaching module. This study first construct the teaching structure of ECCR education, and break down the ECCR literacy in three sub variable: acknowledgement, attitude, behavior, and develop the ECCR questionnaire and teaching module. For the questionnaire, after the first edition is finished, a focus group formed by professionals had been summoned, and perfected it by preliminary examination and revision. For the teaching module, it was made by the researcher primarily, and went through a demonstration with a research team and revised with the feedback and recommendation from the students. The research group was made from convenient sampling, four classes in seven grade as experiment group, three classes as control group, and then went through nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest experimental teaching. The result was analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-test, Pearson product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis and Analysis of Covariance to clarify the effectiveness of the class module and provide reference for future study in this area. The research discovered that: 1.The Junior high school student have certain degree of ECCR literacy. 2.The sexuality, family social-economy status of research subject had no obvious relation with the acknowledgment, attitude and behavior regarding ECCR. 3.The acknowledgment, attitude and behavior regarding ECCR of research subject show a positive relation between each other. 4.The attitude toward ECCR of the research subject shows an obvious prediction of the behavior. 5.After the intermediary of the ECCR education, the acknowledgment, attitude and behavior regarding ECCR in experiment group shows an effective improvement, and a great difference with the control group.國中綜合活動學習領域節能減碳教育學習成效Junior high school integrative activity learning areaEnergy conservation and carbon reduction educationLearning effect節能減碳教育介入國中綜合活動學習領域運用之學習成效研究Learning Effect of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Education via Junior High School Integrative Activity Learning Area