伊彬I, Bin郭姿君Kuo, Tzu-Chun2019-09-052016-01-182019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002682127%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102874本研究目的在於(1)探討現有布書的形式,並進行分類。(2)暸解幼兒在操作布書的狀況。(3)調查消費者對布書的喜惡意見。期許研究結果能在日後,作為幼兒布書相關設計之參考。由現有布書分析,和消費者訪談兩種研究方法進行。研究者分析於2014年所收集到的布書樣本,其使用的材質配件、製作方式與外觀結構,分類後得到6大類型:(1)基本類型、(2)變化類型、(3)材質類型、(4)配件類型、(5)結構類型、(6)聲光類型,其中包括30種不同形式的布書。再透過消費者訪談,了解零至三歲的幼兒,對各種布書有不同反應和操作方式。幼兒年齡偏小,對布書專注力較低;幼兒年齡偏大,需要更多玩具刺激發展,對布書則失去興趣。為符合幼兒發展需求,本研究將各種布書,詳細劃分其適用年齡。調查消費者喜歡的布書有三項因素:(1)畫風可愛,色彩鮮明的卡通圖案。(2)有多種配件和機關能操作,對小肌肉動作發展有益。(3)能產生互動,長時間把玩的布書。反之,評價較差的布書有兩項因素:(1)樣式較為簡單,沒有多種驚奇變化的玩法。(2)容易被紙書或其他玩具替代之。消費者從選購到使用的困擾,包括沒有中文版、頁數不足、售價太高、配件掉落、清洗不便、擔心製作品質與安全性。並希望有台灣題材的布書,提供中文翻譯、訂做和維修的服務。故本研究對現有布書提出設計製作與其他服務共8點建議:(1)印刷字體至少使用22 pt以上。(2)為了豐富故事劇情,可以10頁以上製作。(3)基於安全使用與清潔便利,選擇輕薄的鋪綿內襯製作。(4)加強縫線穩固性,改良配件性能,使用無毒材料。(5)台灣地區特色當題材,更能貼近消費者生活。(6)中文翻譯加上導讀說明,親子共讀互動更親密。(7)提供客製化訂做服務,增加紀念性。(8)提供維修服務,延長布書使用週期。 關鍵字:消費者、幼兒、圖畫書、玩具書、布書The purpose of this research is to (1) explore and categorize current cloth books, (2) understand the usage of cloth books amongst young children, (3) study the general interest of consumers and provide opportunities for consumers to redesign their preferred cloth books. This research is based upon the analysis of current cloth books and interviews from consumers. After analyzing the material production and physical appearance of cloth book samples with 30 variations in 2014. The study of cloth books are categorized based on its six characteristics: its basic functionality, variation of design, actual materials used, enhancement of accessories, structure and size, audible additions and usage of reflector materials. Furthermore, interviews with consumers and reactions to various cloth books amongst children between ages zero to three years old are examined. Infants are less likely to engage with cloth books due to its difficulty in text and visual content. however, mature children might find cloth books lack depth to gage their interests. To optimize the versatility of cloth books, this research is examines various cloth books and its compatibility to its users’ age. Elements that may influence consumers’ desire to purchase cloth books includes: (1) its distinct drawing style and its usage of vibrant colors and patterns, (2) accessories and gears that enhance the development of children’s fine motor skills, and (3) the actual content of the book and its ability to capture the learner’s attention. Cloth books that has lower ratings are due to reasons such as: (1) simplicity in design, lack of innovation in variety, and (2) the cloth book itself can be easily replaced by paper books or toys. Consumers may find it difficult to purchase or use a cloth book because of its accessibility to the Taiwanese market. Other reasons that contribute to the cloth book’s unpopularity may be due to its incapability to uphold multiple pages, its steep pricing, maintenance of the cloth book as a whole, cloth book’s cleanness and the actual safety and production of the materials used for the cloth book. This study recommends future manufacturers of cloth books accommodate the Taiwanese market through usage of themes but also provide customization and repair services. Following are eight suggestions to enhance cloth book productions: (1) fonts should be larger than 22 pt, (2) length of the story in context should cover at least 10 pages for rich storylines, (3) materials used for the cloth book should be light and quilted with cotton stuffing for easy usage and cleaning, (4) increase the stability, strength of stitching, quality and functionality by using non-toxic materials and accessories, (5) design relatable themes for the Taiwanese market, (6) adding mandarin translations and providing book guides will create a more intimate setting between parents and their children, (7) customization to fit the user’s needs, (8) offer repair services for extended use. Keywords: consumer, children, picture book, toy book, cloth book.消費者幼兒圖畫書玩具書布書consumerchildrenpicture booktoy bookcloth book消費者對現有幼兒玩具布書之意見調查A Study of Consumer Demand in Cloth Books for Young Children