林舒柔Lin, Shu-Jou陳健鴻Chen, Chien Hong2019-09-032021-06-172019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0103590162%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94843台灣健保舉世稱羨,藥品給付支出約占的四分之一。在健保制度下,健保署為醫療服務獨大的買方,對各項給付嚴加控管,藥費也是其中重要的一環。因台灣健保藥品新開發藥品核價整體低於十大先進國,造成多數新開發藥品選擇在台灣較晚上市、不上市或者走向自費市場。本研究旨在探討2013年二代健保法實施,所導入的藥品費用分配比率目標制實施的影響?確實值得探討研究!眾多藥品中,本研究以聚焦於降血脂藥且以降血脂藥類藥品中比重最大的Statin類藥品為研究標的。本研究採用IMS資料進行分析進行探討,並輔以採訪問調查,試圖探討各原廠因應策略及其成效。 關鍵字:Statin類藥品、原開發藥廠、藥品費用分配比率目標制Taiwan National Health Insurance was admired in the world. Among the total expenses of insurance payment, about a quarter is drug expenses. Under this health care system, National Health Insurance Administration is a monopsony and imposes strict control on drug price. It is well-known that drug pricing of newly developed drugs is lower than the overall top ten advanced countries. Therefore, many pharmaceutical companies decide to delay or even abandon the launch of new drugs in Taiwan. This study seeks to investigate the strategy implications for pharmaceutical companies of second generation health insurance law in 2013 with a particular focus on the impacts of the implementation of drugs cost allocation ratio target system. Among various drugs covered in the insurance program, this study focuses on the lipid-lowering drugs and drugs with lipid-lowering drugs in the largest proportion of Statin drugs for the study of the subject. This study mainly uses IMS data to probe our research inquiries. Interviews information is also included as supplementary evidence. Keywords: Statin drugs, Original pharmaceutical companies, Drug. Expenditure TargetStatin類藥品原開發藥廠藥品費用分配比率目標制Statin drugsOriginal pharmaceutical companiesDrug. Expenditure Target全民健康保險藥價調整下原開發廠藥品因應策略-以Statin藥為例Strategy for NHIA Drug Expenditure Target:A Case Study of Statin drug