國立臺灣師範大學地理學系林聖欽2015-09-032015-09-031995-03-011019-6684http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74856The domiciliary register is the record of active census (動態戶口調查)which was execused by government in Taiwan between 1905 to 1946. It is the same as a transcript of one's houshold register at present. That is, the contents of the domiciliary register is a kind of useful data which the researchers can use then as they study the history of Japanese Rulling Period in Taiwan. Moreover, because the domiciliary register was made in the district of Hsiao-Tzu(小子) or Da-Tzu(大字), two political division in Japanese Rulling Period, it is very suitable to be applied to the study of settlement, family, population, and etc. Because there were certain regulations in Census Law, and the Law was changed constantly, there are some points needed to be emphasyzed: (1)the connection of domiciliary register data and household abolished register data (除戶簿);(2)two forms of domiciliary register place of Temporary Residence (本居地) and place of Permanent Residence (寄留地); (3)the forms of domiciliary register was changed again in 1935; (4)the difference between 「the change of address」(地址變更) and 「the transference and abolition of household」(轉籍除戶); (5)the data of Temporary Residence before 1941 was eliminated. Therefore, in this paper, I used "central area of Huatung Longitudinal Valley" as an example to apply the domiciliary register to the settlement study of this area during Japanese Rulling Period. The results of this report are: (1) After the central phase of Japanes Rulling Period, the influence of Taiwan Western immigiants on Eastern Region had different degree among different settlements; (2)Taiwan Western immigrants and Eastern immigrants had different meanings on Taiwan Eastern Region settlement development ; (3)the settlement dispersion of Da-Chuang(大庄) aborigines showed different degree on Yu-Li(玉里) and Chih-Shang (池上). These differences were scarcely discussed in other papers conoerning of Taiwan Eastern Region development; therefore, the domiciliary register will provide the reserchers deeper contemplation.日治時期戶籍資料玉里池上日治時期戶籍資料的內容及其史料價值以玉里、池上為例