黃光男尚傑人2019-08-292015-7-122019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096023123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92317 勞動市場是促進新住民「社會化」學習的最佳場所,目前政府各相關部門雖積極推動新住民照顧輔導措施,但大多數新住民女性在台謀職遭不平等待遇履見不鮮。本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣國小補校新住民女性的就業與輔導需求之關係,並提出輔導可行措施與方案之建議。 本研究經文獻分析後.以立意取樣擇臺北縣國小補校9位新住民女性學員、6位新住民男性配偶及6位補校主任等三面向為訪談對象,進行半結構式深入訪談,訪談結果顯示,新住民女性大多數須負擔家庭經濟壓力,並期望能從事每月有固定收入的工作,但受到就業歧視、缺乏就業資訊與參加職業訓練之機會與管道等因素,而面臨僅能從事短期、臨時的工作之困境。此外,受訪的新住民對補校增設就業輔導資訊及開辦職業訓練課程,大都有濃厚興趣。 依據研究結果,本研究亦提出如何有效運用新住民女性的勞動人力,並解決新住民家庭經濟上的壓力之相關建議,如:培養新住民女性在台生活適應能力與獨立性、正確的就業態度與專業技能,以提升經濟收入與生活品質;提供補校新住民女性完善的就業資訊與職業訓練之機會與管道,進行個別化、深度化的輔導正確就業態度,並開辦國小補校多元化及彈性化的教學課程,以強化新住民女性就業之能力;規劃全縣國小補校新住民女性健全的職業訓練方案與配套措施,設置單一服務窗口,提供就業資訊與職業訓練之諮詢管道,建立完善的新住民職業訓練與就業管理機制,以輔導新住民就業之能力,落實新住民訓練需求評估以及多元化、彈性化的訓練時數與課程內容調整,增強社會支持網絡,強化新住民女性及家庭支持系統;簡化身份證申請的流程和取得的時間,增修職業訓練和就業服務相關法規,促進新移民女性就業,及適度修正新住民專業證照考試辦法等,供新住民家庭、國小辦理補校,以及地方政府相關機構研議新住民就業輔導之參考。 Labor Market is one of the best learning environments to socialize new female citizens Although the concerned authorities carried out the projects for guiding their job-seeking, most of them have faced employment discrimination while locating jobs. The study intents to explore what employment services the new female immigrants need in elementary supplement school. Moreover, this research also summarizes some suggestions for supporting the employment service of the new female immigrants. In this study, the purposive sampling is carried out to select nine new female citizen students in an elementary supplement school, six new female immigrants’ husbands, and six elementary supplement school directors from Taipei County after literature review and analysis. The semi-structure interviews are used to reveal the difficulties they faced in seeking a family-supporting job and the employment services they need. The results of interviews show that most new female immigrants would like to have a long-term family-supporting job to pay stable salary. But they always get a short-term job due to employment discrimination, insufficient information of employment service, and lacking in opportunities of vocational training. Moreover, they are interested in more information of employment service and vocational training courses provided by elementary supplement school. According to the results of this research, some suggestions were concluded for using the manpower of the new female immigrants and solving their financial problem. First, the suggestions for improving their family life include fostering the ability in their day-to-day life adjustment and cultivating their professional attitude and skills. Second, the suggestions for enhancing their vocational skills include providing them with sufficient information of employment service and opportunities of vocational training, fostering their employment attitude by individual thorough consultations, and developing vocational training courses in elementary supplement school. Third, for improving the new female immigrants’ vocational skills and providing them with the social network support and the family supporting system, the suggestions for local authorities include designing a completely integrated plan for the vocational training and the employment management of the new female immigrants, setting up a simplex wicket of employment service, and providing multiple vocational courses with flexible training hours. And last, the suggestions for concerned authorities include simplifying and shortening the procedure of ID card acquirement, revising and the related laws for the new female immigrants’ vocational training and employment service, and modifying the policy of vocational and professional certification tests for the new female immigrants.新住民女性國小補校就業輔導質性研究new female citizenselementary supplement schoolemployment servicequalitative research臺北縣國小補校新住民女性就業輔導之研究A Study on Employment Service of New Female Citizens in Taipei County’s Elementary Supplement School