陳佩英Chen, Pei-Ying呂宜霖Lu, Yi-Lin2020-10-192025-06-252020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060716013E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110333在108新課綱所掀起的教學變革脈絡之下,本研究描繪教師社群如何透過能動性的展現跳脫環境的限制,主動進行自我專業成長,並發揮社群能動性的力量持續進行變革,將改變的種子散播到各個教學現場。本研究也會聚焦於社群中的個體所展現的個體能動性,以及個體能動性如何與社群能動性互相影響。 本研究以質性個案研究法為取徑,以文件分析、田野觀察與訪談蒐集資料,並且依據研究目的與問題所得出的結論如下: 1、 社群能動性由個體能動性建構、連結、融合而來。 2、 個體能動性受社群能動性的影響而持續保持動能。 3、 實踐社群以新課綱為共同努力的目標,能動性展現專業成長與提升的意義。 4、 實踐社群因個體與社群能動性的相互加乘,而可以不斷學習、實踐與修正,促成一加一大於N的效果。 根據上述研究結論,提出相關研究建議: 1、 建議個體選擇目標相近、志同道合的社群一同共創與實踐。 2、 欲組成社群需要關注到社群的三個特性,才能夠不斷持續實踐且對於社群的成效有所增益。Introduction: Curriculum Guidelines of 12 Year Basic Education caused the reform of teaching. This research describes how the teacher community breaks the structural constraints through displaying agency, takes the initiative in growing professionality, uses the community agency to continue to change and spreads the seeds of change to many teaching sites. This research also focuses on the individual agency how to be displayed by individuals in the community, and how individual agency interacts with community agency. Research method: This qualitative case study’s data was collected through document analysis, observations, and interviews. Conclusion: Community agency is constructed, connected and integrated from individual agency, and individual agency is affected by community agency, so that it can continue to maintain energy. The practice community takes the new curriculum guidelines as the goal to work together, and agency improves professional growth. On the other hand, The practice community can learn, practice and modify continuously due to the interaction between the individual agency and community agency, and have the effect of “one plus one is greater than N”. Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that individuals choose like-minded communities with similar goals to create and practice together. 2. To form a community, you need to pay attention to the three characteristics of the community, so that you can continue to practice and increase the effectiveness of the community.能動性實踐社群核心素養agencycommunity of practicecore competencies一加一大於N-數學實踐社群能動性之探究One plus one is greater than N-Research of the agency of the mathematical practice community