伊彬Bin I陳信文Chen Shin-Wen2019-09-052008-7-232019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095632105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103184在視覺傳達設計實務中,我們經常會以設計的創意度來衡量作品的好與不好,究竟「創意」是為何物?而視覺傳達設計的「創意表現」應該具備什麼樣的視覺形式?具有創意的設計是否有標準可遵循?這些疑問是本研究最想釐清的課題,而本研究最終的企圖是建構一個「視覺傳達設計之創意構思方法」為目的,以作為往後實務創作上可依循的設計參考架構。 本研究從文獻探討著手,希望透過學者專家在視覺傳達設計這相關領域的研究成果,來釐清關於視覺傳達設計這一門技術的基本學理原則,透過實際設計競賽的案例分析,與虛擬設計題目來進行「視覺傳達設計之創意構思方法」的實際創作應用測試,透過這兩個階段的驗證,希望從學理原則與實務應用兩相對照中,歸納出既有學理基礎又合於實務要求的「視覺傳達設計之創意構思方法」。 本研究最終結論歸納出「創意」是個人感受問題無法逐一探討,但是可以追求共通的創意準則,這評估「視覺傳達設計的創意特徵」五項條件為:1.具原創精神的視覺呈現,無前例可循。2.具有強烈的視覺吸引力,整體呈現美感與張力的視覺構成。3.傳達單純的意念,直接命中核心不會令人產生模擬兩可的歧異解讀。4.構思巧妙,作品具有多層次的解讀趣味。5.觀者認定的創意作品,必然碰觸到其心靈而造成感動。而有一個正確而周延的「視覺傳達設計之創意構思方法」作為設計創作的執行參考架構,確實是有幫助的,它可以幫助創作者: 設計發想前:幫助你掌握議題核心,讓你知道該往哪一個方向收集資料,以及怎麼收集資料。 設計構思中:幫助擴散思考,刺激思緒產生新的觀點。 色稿執行後:幫助檢核與評估設計作品視覺表現的成效。Among the practice of visual communication design, we usually judge the work on the creativity of the design. However, what “creativity” exactly is? What visual forms shall “creative performances” contain in visual communication design? Is there any standard to follow in creative design? Those are the task which this research intends to clarify with the final purpose to construct a “creative design method of visual communication design” as the reference of the future practical creation in design structure. The research begins with literature review in the hope to clarify the basic theoretical principals of skill of visual communication design through the relevant research results of the scholars& experts. Practical design application test of the “creative design method of visual communication design” is conducted through the case analysis of actual design competition and virtual design topic. Through the verification of these 2 stages, it is hoped to conclude the “creative design method of visual communication design” with theoretical base and practical demands under their interlinear. It is concluded in the research that “creativity” is an issue of personal reception which can’t be discussed below-by below, however, there is existed common creativity principle to pursuit. Five evaluation conditions of “creativity character of visual communication design” are listed as below:1. Original visual display with no former example.2. Equip with intensive visual attraction with the visual construction of comprehensive display of esthetics and tension.3. Express simple idea which directly hit the core and will not cause blur or allo-interpretation. 4. Masterly design with multiple levels of comprehension fun in the work5. The creative work recognized by the view definitely touches his/her heart with movement. The proper and overall “creative design method of visual communication design” is indeed helpful as the reference of the structure of the execution of the design creation. It will help the creator: Before the design generation:Assist you to control the issue core, offer you the direction and method of data collection. Among the design construction:Assist to expand thinking and stimulate the generation of new viewpoint. After the execution of colored draft:Assist to verify and evaluate the result of the visual expression of the design work.視覺傳達設計創意設計設計方法創意構思方法創意思考Visual communication designcreativity designdesign methodcreative design methodcreative thinking視覺傳達設計之創意構思方法研究A Research on the Creativity Design Method of Visual Communication Design